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workbook to reinforce MFW 1st grade phonics?


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I know about Explode the Code. Is there anything that moves a little faster than that/fewer pages per lesson? I'm not discounting ETC as my child did love the primers. I just wanted to find out if there are other options. I want more reinforcement and something he can do on his own. I know about the games in MFW 1st and we've done some of those. He enjoys workbooks, though. (I have looked at Adventures in Phonics and Plaid Phonics, but I don't think I need a full phonics program like that. Hope I am making sense.)



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I've noticed Primary Phonics being mentioned a lot lately on the boards. If I was to dive into ETC-type workbooks again, I'd probably go with these. (Scroll down to see the workbooks.)

Edited to add that I don't know how they compare to ETC, but you can check out the samples, and also search here for other threads for more information because I know they've been talked about a lot lately.

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If he really likes workbooks, I wonder if one of those inexpensive Complete Book Of... books would be good? They have some on phonics & reading.


Or, Spelling By Sound and Structure is the 2nd grade spelling program used in MFW, and it's supposed to include some phonics review.


Kumon workbooks are also nice.


Mostly just bumping up your question :)


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We are using MCP Plaid Phonics A for 1st. It is colorful and covers the rules pretty thoroughly without excessive pages per lesson. You can see the table of contents b clicking the blue links under the picture. There are three editions and the latest is very colorful. However, the older versions are almost identical in content so you could easily use any of the editions if you find a cheap copy. I have not needed the teachers manual, but you might be able to find it on Amazon for a few bucks. You could skip a level if MCP A seems too easy.


My dd is 7 and really enjoys it compared with ETC.


You can see more sample pages at christianbook.com by typing the ISBN into their search box.


Spectrum Phonics is not bad, either, but MCP is more thorough.


Rainbow Resource has a nice assortment of phonics workbooks to browse through.



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