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For those who use WWE with older dc or for remedial purposes...


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...could you please share a little about how you do so?


A little history: DS #3 used WWE 1, but hit a brick wall with WWE 2. We are using a gentler method for a while, but may attempt it again next year. Sufficed to say, I'm somewhat familiar with the methodology.


I am particularly interested in it for our DS #2 (12yo). Interestingly enough, this dc has several years of written narration under his belt via history and science, but this year he has become much more analytical and finds the written narrations frustrating. I can't put my finger completely on it, but I do believe it is at least partially due to his over-analytical mind (providing too much detail) combined with a disruptive toddler db.


My questions: What ages and levels do you use it for? And do/did you complete a level faster than the 36 weeks that are laid out? Also, do you or your dc find the literature excerpts too "young"? I'm considering Level 3 for him.


Thoughts appreciated,

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...could you please share a little about how you do so?


A little history: DS #3 used WWE 1, but hit a brick wall with WWE 2. We are using a gentler method for a while, but may attempt it again next year. Sufficed to say, I'm somewhat familiar with the methodology.


I am particularly interested in it for our DS #2 (12yo). Interestingly enough, this dc has several years of written narration under his belt via history and science, but this year he has become much more analytical and finds the written narrations frustrating. I can't put my finger completely on it, but I do believe it is at least partially due to his over-analytical mind (providing too much detail) combined with a disruptive toddler db.


My questions: What ages and levels do you use it for? And do/did you complete a level faster than the 36 weeks that are laid out? Also, do you or your dc find the literature excerpts too "young"? I'm considering Level 3 for him.


Thoughts appreciated,


Pumpkin is an analytical gal who did put in too much detail. Now she was only half way through 4th grade when I bought WWE, but she has been doing it at double pace. She is almost done with WWE 2, and is finally starting to get how to do summary narrations. My guess is your ds doesn't really need to do level 1 and could just start with level 2 if you do the whole workbook route.


I do know some people have had success with just buying the hard back and using the 6 weeks of samples for each level found in there.




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I used the evaluation method in the book to know at which level to start. He started in level 3, and for a while, I tried to fill in with my own selections the other weeks that are not in that book (the workbook wasn't out yet). That worked okay, but eventually I decided to only do what was in the hardback book. He was working on Writing Strands 3 at the same time.


I started my dd, who is 12 now, at the same time I started ds. She tested into level 2. I did get the workbook for that, as I was also using it with my younger ds. After a while, though, her skills took a leap and right now I am only using the hardback book with her (she's in level 3 now). I suspect, however, that with this child, I'll have to slow back down in level 4, and I will probably get the workbook to do with her. For next year, I am most likely going to use some inexpensive paragraph workbooks with her, too.


The thing that I have found most helpful with WWE (besides the workbooks having all the models done for me!), is that WWE has shown me how to get a child to find the important parts to narrate. It is sort of like "find the main ideas," that I remember from school. The "three questions" provided to help the dc figure out what to say has clicked on a lightbulb as to what the narrations are supposed to be like. Now I know how to help my dc narrow down their ideas to the important parts. (mine always gave too much detail, too, and still tend to do that sometimes)



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I use WWE 3 for my 13 year old. It is not our writing program (that's WriteShop). I use it for the narrations. He originally had no idea how to summarize, so it has been a great help for that - understanding the main points and being able to express them.


We did start out with WWE 2 at the beginning of the year and then went to WWE 3. I found a few of WWE 2's selections to be a bit juvenile, but ds didn't mind.


Good luck! :001_smile:

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