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^^Karaoke machines?^^


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Where would you go to compare karaoke machines and to purchase one? What would be a good price range for a decent one, not the cheapest piece of trash, but not the top of the line? Maybe something in the middle range? And this would only be for adults to use.



Edited by Anna
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Where would you go to compare karaoke machines and to purchase one? What would be a good price range for a decent one, not the cheapest piece of trash, but not the top of the line? Maybe something in the middle range? And this would only be for adults to use.






I haven't looked for one in several years, but if you google "karaoke", you'll get lots of hits.


When I was looking, I was hugely frustrated because there were no mid-range models available. Everything was either a toy ($200 range) with tiny speakers (5W), or they were professional models that cost over $1000. I ended up with a JVC stereo with good, 40W speakers and two microphone slots. It has the ability to mask vocal ranges to use any CD as an accompaniment track, but it only works in Play mode, so you can't *make* accompaniment tracks. It also has the ability to change the key of the song, and it has different sound modes (concert hall, etc). It doesn't have the video though, if that's what you're wanting (to watch the words on the screen).


Hopefully, there is more available now than when I was looking. If you're going to use it in any room bigger than a bedroom, you'll need decent speakers.

Edited by Suzanne in ABQ
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