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I've Been Sick With a Nasty Bug and....

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I was sick from a nasty stomach bug from Sunday until yesterday evening. So when I wake up this morning...finally feeling refreshed and my house looks like a tornado hit it. I'm so upset. I spent all day Saturday cleaning, doing laundry, etc and when I'm not sick anymore I get to clean up dishes for the past three days, do laundry that no one touched, take the trash down to the curb because someone forgot, etc. I wanted to spend the day wrapping gifts and getting ready for Christmas and I can't because I have to clean the stupid house.


Why is it when I'm sick the world falls apart? It's so frustrating. Thanks for listening to me whine. I'm just having a giant pity party today.:glare:

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I was sick from a nasty stomach bug from Sunday until yesterday evening. So when I wake up this morning...finally feeling refreshed and my house looks like a tornado hit it. I'm so upset. I spent all day Saturday cleaning, doing laundry, etc and when I'm not sick anymore I get to clean up dishes for the past three days, do laundry that no one touched, take the trash down to the curb because someone forgot, etc. I wanted to spend the day wrapping gifts and getting ready for Christmas and I can't because I have to clean the stupid house.


Why is it when I'm sick the world falls apart? It's so frustrating. Thanks for listening to me whine. I'm just having a giant pity party today.:glare:


I'm sorry. That really stinks.

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It is frustrating, isn't it? I have felt the same way many times. It makes me realize how important my role is in our family...but I sure wish someone else would step up and do something to hold the pieces together occasionally!


Maybe you can turn on some Christmas music and hand out job lists...then go in your room to wrap presents! Hang in there!

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