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Spelling and grammar


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Not sure if this should be here or in the special needs board, but I'm going to try it here. :) I'm wondering what materials I actually need to use for my dd8.


Looking at the first edition of the WTM (because that's what our library has), it says use phonics pathways, about half way thru that start spelling workout A, then half way thru that it says to start English for the Thoughtful Child.


My dd is 8, has an ld and barely reads- although she's really making some leaps and bounds this year, and she also has problems writing. I've decided for now not to really work on improving her writing. We're going to try typing, but she can't look at a computer screen long so not sure how that will go.


Anyhow, she's half way thru with phonics pathways. Using it she's made some good progress with reading, we've been using it for spelling also had positive results. So at this point, all things considered, do I need to add in spelling for her, as the WTM suggest? And with her writing difficulties, should I go on to EFTTC? Is there something out there that would be better for her situation?

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