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have any of your children needed to submit a music resume with their college app?

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Actually, I have several questions about this. My son is applying to several music programs, and they request a music resume. I did some research to see what a music resume might look like, and came up with these general categories: ensembles, performances, education, achievements. Does that seem about right?


He's performed so much, I was hoping I wouldn't have to list each date, but rather, list the ensemble and say something like "Regular Fall, Winter, Spring and special concerts during the years 2006 - present" or something like that. You don't think they want every, single date, do you?


Also, I wonder... on the list of course descriptions, I was going to have a section for other activities and field trips (I can't remember the exact wording I was going to use). I'm leaning toward saying something there like, "for music activities, see attached resume" and then listing his non-music activities. For the schools, tho, that don't have a separate music department, I was afraid that might look fussy. But honestly, I just don't want to have to do separate packages for different schools, not because I'm lazy, but because there is a high probability that I would mess it up.


I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. No kidding. We did his recording for his music scholarship application today and I cannot even begin to tell you what a relief that is. I think I just need a little nudge that I'm on the right track, so I can finish this all up... if you please!

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While my own child did not go into a music program, one of my best friends has a dd who is going that way right now as a senior. I would suggest that you ask them what they are looking for in terms of level of detail and format. OR if you have an experienced music teacher that has placed students into university music programs, ask them what the correct format is.


I found it really easy to call up the various departments to which we had to provide resume types of things and just be straight forward with them. i just asked...what are you looking for and what form should it take. I just told them, this is my first child and we are doing this on our own so tell me what I need to provide. They were always very helpful.. Maybe we were just lucky, or blessed (!) but it worked.

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While my own child did not go into a music program, one of my best friends has a dd who is going that way right now as a senior. I would suggest that you ask them what they are looking for in terms of level of detail and format. OR if you have an experienced music teacher that has placed students into university music programs, ask them what the correct format is.


I found it really easy to call up the various departments to which we had to provide resume types of things and just be straight forward with them. i just asked...what are you looking for and what form should it take. I just told them, this is my first child and we are doing this on our own so tell me what I need to provide. They were always very helpful.. Maybe we were just lucky, or blessed (!) but it worked.


You know, I've been a bit of a stalker with the music faculty where I work, and I don't want to wear out my welcome. They have been helpful, but seem to trust that I can rustle something up and it will be fine. I was curious to know what other parents and students have done, since I have only had input from faculty ("oh, you'll be fine!").


And any rate, it's DONE! And rather beautiful, I must say. I was afraid it would be quite thin, but dang, once I put everything down on the page, it was shocking to me how much he's done. That is one lucky boy.


(My youngest is peering over my shoulder, and suggesting I stop boasting. That's a good idea.)


Thanks for your encouragement, Sharon.

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