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HOD and standard testing


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My DD has been using mostly HOD for K and 1st grade. While I would love to not worry about testing, our state requires it in grades 3, 5 and 8. I never thought to find out if she will be able to do well on these tests by using HOD. Has anyone using HOD had their children tested and willing to share? Or does anyone know if she'll be able to do ok?

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I did not use HOD for K, 1st, 2nd or 3rd....so I am just pondering some things. However, I am required to test my kids at 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th grade....so I have been down the testing road once or twice already.....both casually and formally and with two different tests, CAT and Iowa Basics.


I wonder if you could give us an idea as to what you are using HOD for......is it Science and History only? I see you are using FFL and AAS and ETC.....It looks to me like you are altering the HOD plan (which is what I do) I would think that these programs would influence the test results more than HOD (Science, History, Bible, etc) especially if you are only administering for the basics and not the whole shebang.


What I can tell you is that I was surprised at how prepared my daughter was for the tests but, again, I did not use HOD for the first few years. My daughter started the CAT at second grade here at home and we were not required to submit the results. You can buy a survey test on line for about $30 and administer it for a few fun days off school and see how she is doing.


I'm sorry I have a few more things on my mind but my four year old is talking to me about dinosaurs right now and I cannot think clearly.....ack!!

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It's true that we just recently added ETC, FLL and are still waiting for the ASS to arrive. I guess you are right that it's mostly math and LA that are covered on those standard tests. So I guess it doesn't really matter what we use for Bible, history and science.

Thanks for helping me think this through.

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