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Lively Latin II


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Has anyone else noticed that the later chapters of LL2 have only grammar exercises and vocabulary lessons, with no history, derivatives, or other extras? :glare: We don't really need those little extras; but ds enjoys them, and they're a nice break from the grammar some days, to do along with flashcard reviews.


I know that the author has been scrambling to get the materials finished; still, I'm a bit miffed that those lessons, if they become available, won't be ready until long after we've finished the relevant chapters. We've already had to slow down and supplement to allow time for the lesson-writing to catch up to where we are, and now the course is less than advertised. Does anyone know whether those materials will be inserted later or are being left out completely?

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I have no idea to your question but your question helped me figure out if she was done or not. We're in the last few chapters of LL 1 and I can't tell from the website if she's actually finished LL 2 yet or not. Apparently it's not all complete from what you are finding...!

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Well, lessons up to ch. 13 have been posted to the site and titled "complete," despite having page-number gaps and (apparently) missing material. The lessons up to about ch. 7 do appear to be complete, though; so it might be worth buying, depending on how soon you'll be ready for LL2 and how quickly you'll get to the parts with the gaps.

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