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ways to save a blog

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I'm not super technically savvy but I do have a blog. What is the easiest way to save it? Should I buy cds and save it weekly on a cd? What kind do I buy?

Also, it's saying on my blog I've used up say 8gb of 1000gb of storage..what does this mean and how do Imake sure I don't run out?


What blogging platform are you using? One really easy way to save files in most platforms is to export your blog on a fairly regular basis (weekly is overkill, but monthly isn't) and overwrite previous exports as you update. If you let me know what platform you're using, I'd be really happy to help you figure out how to save it. :)

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I'm on blogger..is that what you mean?:tongue_smilie:


My blog address is: www.tanyasdays.blogspot.com


Thanks for your help by the way:001_smile:


Yes, Blogger would be your blogging platform.


Log into your blog's dashboard. You'll see the tabs that say Posting, Settings, Layout, and Monetize. Click Settings. Under Settings, choose Basic. You'll see a link for "export blog" next to Blog Tools. Click on that and you'll be taken to a page with a big orange bar that says Download Blog. Click on that and save the file somewhere and with a name that you'll remember it (blogbackupnov10th or something like that). You can do that and replace the backups every few weeks. You can then reload the documents if your blog disappears or if you change blogging platforms (such as going to Wordpress).

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