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Crazy homeschooled kids...

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Just one of those moments when you think that some of it is actually sinking in. My middle daughter is turning the LR/DR into a huge obstacle course complete with exploding pumpkins and the like. She just came into the kitchen to announce that it was named "Running the Hellespont Gauntlet," and that it is based on "That book about Xerxes & Leonidas." (The Lion at the Gate by Mary Renault - excellent!)


Just knew someone here would appreciate it. :D

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I love days like this! You must have felt so content, despite the mess she was making!


My favorite one so far happened recently when my 6yo was wrapped in a blanket, and his 2yo brother was trying to unwrap him. DS6 shouts out, "Look, Mom! I'm a mummy and N is a tomb robber!" We had just learned about the Old Kingdom of Egypt in SOTW. I remember beaming and thinking, "Yes! He's getting it!"


We're so blessed to be able to watch these learning connections firsthand!

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