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extra practice for JAG


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If you do JAG and you kid just doesn't get things the first go around did you find anything for extra practice.


We're doing the verb unit but he's having some trouble with it and I'd like to find something we can use for extra practice.


My oldest got to adverbs in JAG and basically had a melt down. It was like it was too much to remember, so she started missing even the basic things. We started the whole thing over from the beginning and the second time through she nailed it.


I have seen Erin state you can just change the details in a sentence and re-use it. Thus you take a sentences like: The fox ran. And you make it into: The bunny jumped. Basic examples today because my brain is running on lack of sleep and I don't think I can manage more. :D




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Thanks so much. He's supposed to take the Verb unit test tomorrow and we'll give it a shot but if it's to much of a flop I'll do just that and we'll do the unit over.


I wish they made an extra practice workbook that us grammatically challenged folk could buy. :) I'm amazed at how much I've learned. I never knew about the whole "Mouse box" sentence for finding prepositions.

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Thanks so much. He's supposed to take the Verb unit test tomorrow and we'll give it a shot but if it's to much of a flop I'll do just that and we'll do the unit over.


I wish they made an extra practice workbook that us grammatically challenged folk could buy. :) I'm amazed at how much I've learned. I never knew about the whole "Mouse box" sentence for finding prepositions.



I was going to suggest the switching words trick, but Siloam beat me to it!


If you still need some tips and tricks, give me a ring tomorrow (the phone number is on the inside cover of your book) I'll be happy to help in any way I can.



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Thanks so much. He's supposed to take the Verb unit test tomorrow and we'll give it a shot but if it's to much of a flop I'll do just that and we'll do the unit over.


I wish they made an extra practice workbook that us grammatically challenged folk could buy. :) I'm amazed at how much I've learned. I never knew about the whole "Mouse box" sentence for finding prepositions.


I am glad to help!


You and I both have learned a ton. I passed Senior English by reading Roots for extra credit. Have you seen the size of that book? Grammar was lost on me till we did JAG. I really love both JAG and AG.



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