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how long will you test positive for h1n1?

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I wasn't going to go to the doctor, but now I've read some things and think maybe I should find out if that's what I've got. I got sick on Sunday, with fever, aches, pains, congested head and coughing. Fever broke last night, and then came back this afternoon for a while, then went away again. I'm feeling better, but still coughing and congested. At no point did I feel like I was dying, which I hear is how you feel if you really have the flu. However, I also hear that the majority of people have very mild symptoms...


If I went to the doctor tomorrow would they be able to tell me if that's what I had? I just want to know b/c my daughter and husband are showing no signs of illness. I'm wondering what that means, and if it means they are in the clear as far as H1N1...

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