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Should we switch to RS?


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I am driving myself crazy with math curriculum issues! I recently switched my older two girls from MUS to Saxon for many reasons. The main reason was that our local co-op offers a class using Saxon7/6. Saxon is a good fit for my math loving dd13.


But! My dd11 despises math! Saxon is torture for her. I have broken down the lessons so that she is not so overwhelmed. She is the type who just wants to do her math page, get it done and over with, and not have to think about math for the rest of the day.


So! I would really like to switch her to RS E. I use RS with my younger 2 and absolutely love it. I think it would allow dd11 to see that math isn't so bad. She is thinking about becoming a vet and I know she needs a good math background.


My question: My dd is in 5th grade, is it too late to switch? Should we just bite the bullet and finish up Saxon (she is half way through 5/4)? I don't want to make her fall further behind by continuing to switch curriculums.


I'd appreciate any wisdom from the hive!


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But the saying " the child, not the curriculum " comes to mind.

I've used RS and other stuff, we keep coming back to RS.


You may want to look at Transition Lessons and then go to D, but she will probably fly through some of it and slow way down in other parts where teh methodology is new.

Call Right Start and they can probably help you with what level,


Another platitude: What we need is what we need.

Regardless of what's on the cover of the book.


Good luck.

~christine in al

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I actually answered this question myself. As much as I would love to switch to RS, I cannot justify spending the money right now. I pulled out LOF today and let her do that. She loved it because she could do it on her own. I think I will continue with Saxon and supplement with LOF. Sigh, I will look forward to using RS all the way through with my younger two.


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