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Sugar and Treats Thread -- I was so hoping this would have gone away by now......

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*sshrugs* I just don't understand why we need snacks at EVERYTHING our kids do. Seems like a poor emphasis, to me. Avoid it by not having any snacks at all.


Mariann, you demanded that a bunch of people change what they were doing to make you more comfortable. It's nice that they're forgiving, but for goodness sakes, why are you so concerned about regulating others' behavior?


I might think you're a crackpot for fearing sugar, and I might be annoyed at others bringing nothing but cupcakes, but I'm not going to keep you from bringing whatever you want and feeding your kids whatever you want, nor will I "complain to the management" about what others bring--if I don't like it, my kids will eat something else.


Every time people disagree with you here, you get upset, too. You're going to have to either get over it and stop blowing things out of proportion, or you're going to spend a good part of your life being offended. You're clearly a woman of strong opinion who isn't used to anyone else expressing theirs when you say something. If people don't argue with you, then you're running them over, plain and simple. And if they do, it isn't a sign that they're picking on you but that they are thinking people, too.


IRL, people who are both opinionated and thin-skinned just aren't worth the mental energy to be around. Since you're pretty much the only one on the board who complains repeatedly about people being mean when the tenor of the comments really don't change that much from post to post, you should probably re-think what you're posting (if you really can't handle disagreement) or re-think how you interpret everything.


I don't think you try to stir the pot, unlike some people, but I do think you either need to get used to people disagreeing with you or stop epxressing opinions.


I wasn't aware that I was doing that - if I do, then I appreciate your pointing it out. Have a great weekend!

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