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Visual Link Spanish?

Joy at Home

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I have used this program. I used it years ago when it only came on cassettes. I learned a lot and it got me speaking the language. I especially like how they break the sentences into parts because you learn how to form all sorts of simple sentences with your vocabulary. In my opinion it is much more practical than Rosetta Stone. There is also a lot more interaction so it is not as boring as Rosetta Stone.


My dd used this in 7th grade and did very well with it. There are lots of games on the computer version to practice vocabulary. I believe there is a schedule online as well and you can take online tests. I would recommend it for junior high and up.

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Wow, I didn't even notice that. I like Latin Road so far. We are in chapter 4 and dd is doing well. There is a LOT of writing so sometimes, if I feel that it is busy work, we skip it. Most often though it helps her to see it and write it.


What I really like is the schedule. I needed something that said, "Day 1, Do this." We do it 4 days a week and it takes about 30-45 minutes. It's getting done and it isn't over our heads yet, so I give it a thumbs up!

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