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a child that does not fit....

Free Indeed

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All my other children love MFW, but this one child wants to do more of a sporadic unit study approach- a different topic every few weeks.She does not mind listening to Story of the world, etc, but does not want to have to "do" anything with it. Do I oblige her and use something different (which can be the beauty of homeschooling, but a pain), or just have her deal with it? Just wondering if you have had this issue and how you have dealt with it.

Editing to add that she is the 10, almost 11 year old. She would spend her time baking and taking care of babies if she could.

Edited by Free Indeed
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Just wanted to chime in. we are using AWOA and it breaks it's studies down like this. For example the first 30 days is on Ancient Egypt and then it moves to Ancient Rome. Every month is a different topic. The kids are really enjoying it and not getting bord with the same every month.

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Mine have to listen too, but my oldest dd9 gets more out of it when she does above and beyond by herself. She really does well with book basket time. She loves reading things on her own. She gets to pick from the basket. It's her choice from the choices that i provide. This gives her the direction that I want her to have and the freedom she desires.

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