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Using just the lit portion of TOG?

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I could have sworn I asked this before but i can't find it? :001_huh: Anyhow, has anyone used just the lit portion of TOG? Or considered it and decided not to? Why or why not?


My upcoming 12th grader is using TTC and WTTW this year. I was thinking of Excellence in Lt American for him next year but if we are using TOG year 3 I'd be able to study lit with him and my then 10th grader, maybe my 9th grader too. I think doing lit in a group would be more interesting( and easier for me) then him working alone. He has all the history he needs and will have a very full schedule next year doing math, science and writing at the CC so I don't really want him doing the other parts of TOG. Do you think this plan would work well?

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I really think it would, Jean -


My dd(11th grade) is doing Lit for Year 2, with some government and church history thrown in for electives. If I remember Year 3 correctly, the Lit can work as a stand-alone course. Any tie-ins to history you can easily cover in discussion time, and let your younger two be the "experts".



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We have 3 high school students in our TOG co-op who only do the lit portion, and I think it works out great. The only tough part is on me, since I have to provide them with copies of the lit pages and reading schedule (they paid the co-op license fee so they could use the program without having to buy the whole thing). But for them, I think it works fine, and it's certainly a good lit program!

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