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MPH Singapore Science - what to buy?


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I just want the basics - can I get by with the activity books, textbooks and manual - or do I need the homework, extra notes and tests?


Thanks for any input - I'm grateful!




PS: This is for an almost 3rd grader, for use this year and next.


thanks again! :001_smile:

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It's best to buy the textbook, activity book, HOTS and homework book at least. I have those plus the test book. HOTS, homework and test books are important to provide a depth for a topic. Without those, you are left with a skimpy program. I just wrote a review on MPH 3/4(search MPH - title only) where I described the importance of owning the HOTS and homework book.


I don't own the manual and more notes book.


The manual will give more ideas to expand the topic. But I find that those four books plus the test book are enough to flesh out a topic.



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Do you find the MPH science curriculum to be rigorous enough on its own? I'm all over the place with science. We're doing RS4K, but it's really very light. So I bought a couple of fat science textbooks to supplement. I'm going to get scoliosis just lugging them around for lesson planning. I'd love to find a rigorous science curriculum for a fifth grader that loves science.

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We have and use the full program and it works well for us - there is no overlap between the books. At the very least you need the Activity Book, Textbook, and either Homework or HOTS.


For the other posters questions - It is a very thorough program. The 3/4 books cover Diversity (plants, animals, defining living/non-living, classification, materials, fungi/bacteria) Cycles (life cycles of plants and animals, states of matter) Systems (plant and human - digestion, photosynthesis), Interactions (magnets), and Energy (light, heat). It has experiments, scientific method and reasoning, documenting results/graphing/charts, logic, basic scientific information about how things work, background readings, lists of websites and activities - I would say just about anything you can think of regarding those science subjects. The TG even recommends additional reading books, both scientific and fictional to introduce subjects and gives you ideas for games and activities.

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Toni, it depends on what you want from a science lesson.


S-pore's topics are light, and so do the vocab. But these topics are explored in depth. Critical thinking, math and application are stressed throughout. Connection between different science disciplines is also highlighted (from what I see from the textbooks that I own).


One thing you may want to supplement is the biology since it does not discuss lower form of animals (the structure etc) and some human body systems in both MPH book. It does not contain detailed plant classification either. I've also had a look at their junior high books and those biology topics are also not addressed.


I guess it's just a matter of emphasis, and obviously S-pore govt are okay in sacrificing the breadth for the depth.


That's why I'm planning to add lessons on for instance cnidaria, worm, etc to our s-pore science.

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Toni, it depends on what you want from a science lesson.


Dian, thanks. Your post clarified several issues. I haven't looked at Singapore Science in Ages. Their new books are much better than the ones we had in first grade.


I see four books for each level. Do you do two books per academic year for the two year spread?

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Ok, I went to the website and bought the textbooks, activity book, HOTS, Homework, and Tests for 5/6.


After reading everyone's comments, I think this will be a good fit. It seems to stress scientific inquiry over science facts, which I like. I can always supplement and fill in biology and whatever else I feel needs more coverage.


I'll post when they arrive and we've had a chance to kid test them.

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