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WWE, FLL & SWO...a complete LA-Program?


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I am currently using WWE, FLL & SWO for ds9 (4th grade) and dd7 (2nd grade).

Would you consider this a complete (thorough?) LA-program...even if we are not adding anything? We don't do narrations in History and Science this year...


Both kids read A LOT, definitely far above grade level...


I intend on using Rod and Staff (5th) next year for ds, and do a complete History cycle for his "logic-years"...with the narrations;).


If you find our program for this year lacking, what would you advice on adding? R&S? CW?...


Thanks for your help!

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In the thread, "The Complete Writer: Writing with Ease (WWE) -- All separate threads merged here", I asked SWB if the WWE workbook alone is all that is intended to be done for writing, or if skills learned in WWE are intended to be put to use accross the curriculum in history/science/lit. Her answer was that if you're using the WWE workbook, you would absolutely cut down on the number of narrations you're doing in history/science/lit. BUT you wouldn't want to eliminate them, because they have value for those subjects.


My son is in 3rd and I feel like we're 'behind' because I don't have him writing 1 or 2 responses per week, a paragraph long each, to history and/or science. That's my goal before we hit 4th grade. If we can only fit one in per week, fine, but I feel it's an important skill to transition from the narration - dictation method over to writing one's own words. This has nothing to do with creative writing - I'm only speaking of expository writing. If he wants to use this skill, once attained, creatively, I'd be he could take off with it and really enjoy it. That's an entirely different ball of wax, though.


YMMV, but I'd consider at least oral narrations for history and science - that way your dc is used to having to exercise those WWE skills on other topics.

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I didn't feel like it was enough *for us*. I'm very pleased with FLL but WWE just hasn't clicked for us and SWO is...well, a miss. They weren't retaining the spelling words very well at all.


We've switched around and are using FLL, CW, and SWR and I'm much happier. It is more intense but I think they're learning a lot more.

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