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Puppy Training Tips!

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Yay! We are the proud new family of an adorable lab-mix puppy. :D She is so supercute and very sweet, too....


I've had many dogs in my life, but none where I was "the mom" and in charge of housetraining. :001_huh: What is the hive wisdom on this topic?


Also, she is very much a puppy and loves to CHEW...what are some good things I should get for her so she's not chewing on everything that she sees (especially my pants and shoes -- while I'm wearing them!!!).


Thanks so much. We're excited about our puppy, and so far she has been very, very good. I just want to get her off to a good start. :001_smile:

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We used ALOT of Bitter Apple to keep our puppy from chewing on just about everything. When she chewed on something she shouldn't we corrected her and redirected to one of her toys. Constant supervision is needed and when we could not watch her it was time for her crate.

When it was bedtime, in her crate, she always gets a treat and now she loves bedtime!

If you don't want a certain behavior as an adult don't let your puppy do it, like sitting on the furniture, jumping up on people, licking you (adult dog breath is alot different from that sweet puppy breath), etc.

Don't bother with soft fuzzy toys because they will be shredded by the time your puppy is 6 months old.

Be patient, it is alot of work for the first year!! Enjoy:D



Edited by GoldenMolly
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Guest reneemom

I know what the initial reaction usually is to who Im about to refer you too but I worked with dogs for many years and read a lot about dog training and psych of dogs...that Cesar M*lan guy on cable has it right, his training suggestions are superb.


Remember he isnt saying not to be loving or affectionate to your pet he is just teaching not to do it when a dog is excited or stressed etc...they dont process things like humans and his dog psychology is right on by my past experiences. (I did a lot wrong back then, but saw it after watching his shows). He teaches you to be the pack leader and that is the central goal for a happy healthy dog and parent.


Anyway good luck and enjoy the pup ;O)

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