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Your Best Co-Op Ideas Please ????????


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I've recently joined the only homeschooling co-op in my rural neck of the woods! It is not a teaching co-op, more a social gathering. They've gotten stuck repeating the same old activities for years. They are in a rut and I want to contribute to the group, but since it's my first year homeschooling I'm a bit green! :D


So, could you share some ideas that have worked with your group?

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Theme Days. Always a hit.


Have a family pot-luck picnic at a local park, with a theme for the day. "Ancient History" or "Music" or "Scientists and Inventors." Children (and parents, if they're game) come dressed as a figure relevant to the theme and give a short presentation about that figure (usually just a short oral biography, though we've had kids play musical instruments and sing, recite Shakespeare or famous speeches, and demonstrate experiments). The kids have a great time reading up on and planning their "characters." You could even include games and activities that are relevant to the theme. And the food is always good--especially when people make dishes relevant to the theme or figure, as well. It's also a great opportunity for dads/partners to get together with other homeschooling families, since they're often left out of regular weekday gatherings.

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The kids in our co-op are from newborn to 18 years of age. We have many large families! They do not want to do pot lucks or field trips together.


They currently have an International Night where each family brings food from a country and shares about that culture. (Not sure why this flies, but they don't like potlucks???) They also have a science fair with a local ps science teacher coming to explain the ideas behind each experiment and to answer questions. There is a fine arts night once a year. Other than that they have game night, skating, bowling etc.


Someone in our group suggested that each family make a model of a famous building from any time in history, then share the history of that structure. I thought this sounded good! Has anyone else tried this?


Any more ideas out there? :001_smile:

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How old are the kids? That affects what you do with them. How many kids and are they all in one group all the time?


Sorry, forgot to finish answering the questions! We have maybe 40-50 kids. The wonderful part is that older kids play with the younger ones! It has very much a family feel. Most of these kids have grown up together.

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The kids in our co-op are from newborn to 18 years of age. We have many large families! They do not want to do pot lucks or field trips together.


Field trips I can understand, but pot lucks? :confused: Most of the families we know with a wide range of ages really like them because it's an activity they can all participate in.



Someone in our group suggested that each family make a model of a famous building from any time in history, then share the history of that structure. I thought this sounded good! Has anyone else tried this?



Yes, that's the same principle as our Theme Days, minus the food. ;) In our experience, that sort of thing works very well. You could fit just about anything into that template--historical figures, places, objects, events, etc.

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