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When do you buy school materials?

When do you buy school materials  

  1. 1. When do you buy school materials

    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • after I get our tax return
    • always looking for a good deal

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Since we have finished homeschooling I have a lot of materials to sell. I plan to post most of it here, but to sell the larger items(anyone want to come to Maryland for a $2500.00 lab science desk for just $100.00...it's like new) at a yard sale. At the moment I am just checking the wanted board and selling a few things that way. I am doing the poll to see if I should sit on the stuff til spring or try to sell it now.

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Well, I can only speak for myself of course, but I tend to buy all year through with the bulk of my purchases made just after the tax refund comes:D. There are several different reasons why I buy all year through. I might find that something I bought just isn't working and need to make a quick change. Or, if I see someone is selling something I've been looking at for a while and the price is great, I might snag it even if I can't use it right away. I also buy used curriculum just to have a chance to check it out up close to see if I like it. I figure I can always sell it again if it doesn't suit me. I tend to be a curriculum hopper though. I may not be "average," kwim?

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