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Book Giveaway!

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Hop on over to my blog, leave a comment, email me something that needs changed (poor grammar/spelling/etc)or a suggestion as to how I can make it better and/or join as a follower and be registered to win your very own copy of The Hidden Art of Homemaking: Ideas for Creating Beauty in Everyday Life by Edith Schaeffer. I'm getting ready to start locally advertising my cakes a bit more and would love some input....I nearly jumped out of my seat the other day when I saw that I had a Real Live Follower looking at my page...but then I see her picture up there and she is lonely. ;)


Each comment/suggestion/email/add-as-a-follower is a chance to win. Enter early, enter often! I'll choose a winner on Tuesday - my annivesary!


www.yummybunnycakes.blogspot.com :D

Edited by Melissa in St Louis
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Hop on over to my blog, leave a comment, email me something that needs changed (poor grammar/spelling/etc)or a suggestion as to how I can make it better and/or join as a follower and be registered to win your very own copy of The Hidden Art of Homemaking: Ideas for Creating Beauty in Everyday Life by Edith Schaeffer. I'm getting ready to start locally advertising my cakes a bit more and would love some input....I nearly jumped out of my seat the other day when I saw that I had a Real Live Follower looking at my page...but then I see her picture up there and she is lonely. ;)


Each comment/suggestion/email/add-as-a-follower is a chance to win. Enter early, enter often! I'll choose a winner on Tuesday - my annivesary!


www.yummybunnycakes.blogspot.com :D


I would add more business info, a sidebar with a profile of the fabulous baker (you) and info on ordering and pricing. I would also add info about number served since it is sort of hard to tell how big the cakes are.

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