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Need advice from Richmond homeschooles

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Hi Everyone,


I'll be honest: I'm panicking deep inside. My husband just got offered an in-person job interview in Richmond with the health care system Bon Secouer and he's thrilled and I'm like "will this be a great adventure or a nightmare??"


I'm a major wimp. My parents moved us around a lot as kids and didn't do much for our emotional states and it was not pretty. So that's in the back of my brain.


I've lived in CA forever and am excited at living in VA for the history, proximity to DC, Europe, Williamsburg etc. But still scared.


Plus I'm in a charter homeschool situation that I really like. They're helpful if I want it and hands off when I want it. And they give $1800 per child for the school year to be used on curriculum and services. It's a very cool set up.


Sorry for the novel. What kind of homeschool infrastructure is there in Richmond? Is hs accepted? Are there park days? Co-Ops? Anything you could tell me might help relieve by panic (somewhat! :glare:)


Are there communities where homeschoolers tend to cluster that I should consider looking at? Or is it like CA where everyone is spread out? Could you recommend communities that are safe, friendly, nice to live in? We can afford a house around $250 to $275 (although that's high).





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Homeschooling in Richmond is actually really nice. There's a huge percentage of us here, and lots of businesses offer homeschool rates for classes and so forth. VA's regs are really easy to follow as well, plus the annual convention is downtown. :)


As far as houses, there are right now LOTS of houses for sale. Your best bet is to decide how close you want to live to your dh's job and then start looking at neighborhoods.


There are clusters and people more spread out. Chesterfield is really great for homeschoolers, and there are hindreds of HSing families here.

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We've been in Richmond (Chesterfield county) a little over a year and I find it very easy to homeschool here. We just moved to a new area a few weeks ago and I have been told that there is a large group of homeschoolers in my area - I'm sure I'll meet them when the ps year starts. :)


PM me if you like. :)

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Thanks Everyone!


Is there a group or groups of homeschoolers w/ websites that I could look at that services Richmond?


My husband is possibly being offered a job in Glen Allen. Any idea where I should look for a house in that area?


Thanks for all your help. Anything you can tell me is appreciated (I'm scared!).



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