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Does anyone add on Bible to MFW?

Mrs. Lilac

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Well, I'll tell ya... I've heard some people complain that Adventures doesn't have enough Bible, but it was enough for *us* because of how nicely the science tied in with the Bible lessons, so we were getting Bible through more than just one "subject". Plus we do Bible/devotions together as a family aside from our homeschool curriculum, as well as what they get in church that we're discussing and praying about all week, so I never intentionally added any Bible "curriculum" to MFW in Adventures or any other year.


I always wonder, just how much does a child of that age need, anyway? As far as "formal" Bible lessons, I mean. At that age, I think it's more about modeling and training and talking and learning how to use their Bibles and praying and learning that we can trust Jesus for everything. kwim?


You can also be assured that the Bible (along with history and all the other subjects) get deeper and lengthier with every year in MFW. It truly is a built-in "discipleship" program in that sense.

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Haven't done Adventures, but have done MFW for 5 years.


I agree with Donna on the "curriculum" coverage. Often when folks add stuff to MFW, they end up skipping other good stuff that reinforces via activities, practicing memory verses, science, or whatever. Those are what makes Bible stick for kids, in my experience.


Trying to decide what to do.....


Is there something you're worrying about? Are you wanting to add something, or are you an adder by nature (as many of us tend to be) ??


Without burdening your kids with more Bible "studies," you could always:

- sing Bible songs or hymns

- start a prayer journal & add more prayer time

- do more things with the Bible verses, from games to sending them to a nursing home

- spend time discussing & adding service

- do an Advent study

- read through a book of the Bible as a family

- etc.

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