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FLL and grammar posters


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Just planning for school and cleaning out the school room. I realized that my Grammar posters from last year do not match FLL definitions for the parts of speech. at. all.


Anyone have a suggestion for a set that matches the definitions well or repeats them exactly. I have a visual learner that loves FFL and I am not one to make things myself. They never look pretty enough when I do it myself.



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Hmm - maybe go to a teacher's store (do you have a Mardel near you?) and look through what they have to see if anything matches? If not, do you have a scrapbook-happy friend that could make up something pretty for you? :001_smile:


I have grammar posters up, too, and it hadn't even occurred to me to check whether or not they line up with FLL. Hmm.

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Nope. No Mardel's. I will look for them on-line. Thanks for the idea.


I might have to wrangle a friend. I do not scrapbook!

What I really want is a 81/2X11 inch page with the definitions on it..certain words in bold with a bit of color coding. Also, a few examples of each ...ie. peson, place, thing or idea examples. I can laminate them myself and put them in the workbox for Grammar, using them when they are needed.

My boy would love it!

(I looked last night and could not even find a proper software to use....sad, I know)

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I have FLL 1/2 and that sounds like a good idea. Which definitions do you want? We just started so we are still on noun. I can make something up in paint shop pro. I can go to the back and it has the definitions but there are a lot back there. I am going to make one for us so I don't mind sharing it. What do you think is a good list of definitions to use?

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