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Anyone add 4-H to their science?


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My girls want to enter 4-H this year and I was wondering if any other families on here were in it? If so how did you add it in? Was it something you just did once a month or did you do something weekly? My kids want to raise an animal...ok 3 different animals...so I was thinking about adding something in each week on learning about that animal besides the book you do for 4-H. Sense we are studying Biology I thought this would be a great time to add it in as science. Any thoughts?

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My kids have done 4-H, and I think they've learned a lot from the experience. We haven't done animals -- just Foods (Preparation and Preservation), Cake Decorating, and Shooting Sports. I basically just consider it a supplement to what we are doing in school, but that is in part because of the topics we've chosen. In our area, the workshops are an outstanding learning experience for the money.


Hope this helps,



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My kids participated in 4H for the first time this year. My oldest was a regular 4H member, and my daughter was a cloverbud.


DS chose to do First Aid as his project...so for us that became part of Health for school this year. We worked on it for about a month before judging and the fair. The experience of giving a demonstration and being judged was so worthwhile for DS.


There is such a wide variety of topics the kids can choose from, 4H can easily be incorporated into your schooling. :001_smile:

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