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Am I a bad hsing mom, because. . .

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all we have done so far today is handwriting and part of math. And then ds4 showed me that he really needed a nap, although he doesn't usually nap anymore, because he has been up too late too many times this week and he was melting down over everything. So we had lunch, and then we headed to my ultra-comfy king size bed for read-alouds. First we had to do a few pages of an I Spy book from the library. Then dd read us a silly picture book about a monster surprise party, just for fun. Then I started the Science in Ancient Mesopotamia book that I swear my 4yo ds checked out of the non-fiction section of the library because he thought it looked interesting! It happened to conincide perfectly with our history studies as we are doing the History Pocket for Ancient Mesopotamia to review what we learned earlier in SOTW. I think ds fell asleep during chapter one, and dd and I made it part way through chapter two before conking out. Ds is still asleep, dd and I are awake, but we don't know if we really want to finish spelling, FLL, science experiments, etc. We are so completely snowed in that dh doesn't know if he will be able to make it home tonight, and I'm thinking that a snowed-in weekend will probably afford us some opportunity to catch up on art, music, and reading. So, can I just call it a day for today? Did I mention that I made a batch of Quiver's Cinnamon rolls for the first time today, and I am feeling so fat, and the sugar could have been part of the meltdown trigger for ds, and my house needs to be cleaned, and I'm just not feeling like a good hs mom?


BTW, dd is ahead in spelling and grammar, so it won't really affect our overall schedule too much, and she says we could just call it a snow day! :)

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Um, no, you aren't. And you know that. Let me ask you this: Why would children as young are yours need to "catch up" on school work at all? I just...don't get it. And do you think anyone here is actually going to tell you you're a "bad homeschooling mom"? And if they did, would that make it true?


It's the weekend. Clean your house. Take a walk in the snow and work off some calories. Enjoy your little people, as Janice in NJ would say.

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