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Atlanta Homeschool Expo..is it worth it?

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I don't know if it is worth it, but I'm going. :001_smile: Our family is taking a mini-vacation to Atlanta during that weekend to see friends. I, too, am pretty certain of my plans for next year, but I'm still researching a couple of subjects. I've also never been to an event like this, so I'm looking forward to a new (possibly head-exploding) experience--so much curriculum in one place.

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Last year was awesome... Susan Wise-Bauer & Jessie Wise were the speakers. I had all my curriculum but went for the training!!!! The best one ever!


Not sure of this years workshops & I have already gone to 2 conferences... so can't handle another.


I think they are always worth it.... if you do to every workshop that you can. I get new energy, great inspiration & new ideas EVERY TIME!


If you haven't gone to one this year.... go! Listen, learn & browse the vendor halls (great ideas & motivation too)

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