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Anyone Use Sonlight like this?

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I have used the Sonlight readers/read alouds listed in the cores to help beef up the American history portion of Story of the World last year and this year (3rd and 4th grade). I haven't actually gotten one of the IGs or anything, just pulled the suggestions from the catalog or website. Overall I find the catalog more helpful in this respect.

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Yes...I use Sonlight this way.


I used the entire Core when they were younger (Cores K, 1 & 2), but once they got the hang of reading chapter books, which starts in Core 3, I used it as a reading list. It happened sort of by accident, because I couldn't stand the history book used in Cores 3 & 4! (It's Landmark History of the American People, if I remember correctly.)


So I started to use a history text of my own (we've used a variety, too! We did the SOTW books...Genevieve Foster's books -- George Washington's World, etc. ... this year, we're using The Story of Mankind by Van Loon). I use many of SL's historical fiction titles and use them as read alouds (my kids LOVE Jean Fritz, for example! Even my teens want to hear them over again!)


I don't use all the readers -- but I try to choose 15-20 books for each of them to read during the school year for required reading (it works out to a book every two weeks. Some take a little longer, some just last a week).


I'm a secular homeschooler and this method makes it fairly easy to use Sonlight.

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It happened sort of by accident, because I couldn't stand the history book used in Cores 3 & 4! (It's Landmark History of the American People, if I remember correctly.)


We're secular homeschoolers as well. I haven't tried the Landmark, used instead the alternate Sonlight suggestion for those levels of The Story of the USA workbooks along with Story of the World and other stuff I had. I happened on the workbooks used so started with them and have been pleased with them as our American history spine to go along with SOTW.

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Thanks for your responses!! I'd love to hear about more people doing this same thing.. :)


My kids have really exploded this year with their reading. Last year my DD was soo bored in Core 1 and I let her read alot on her own. (Cant stand usbornes) and now that DS is reading really well.. Im leaning more toward using it more like a reading list. :)

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