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Just got back from an Urgent Care Center

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Ds(11) and Dd wanted to play with a box that we got last night from an office chair. While playing with it, he got the idea to cut the flaps off. I was sitting at the table and saw him get a knife, which I thought was a butter knife...they know better(so I thought!) than getting a sharp knife.

Well, he got a pairing knife, that we don't use very much! I saw when the knife slipped. He looks at me and says, "Mom, I cut my hand." I told him to put it under the water to rinse the blood, then I saw the amount of blood and grabbed a rag. The cut what about the size of a lima bean, we could see the fatty tissue. I rushed him to the UC. At first the Dr. said it was superficial and that they would glue it together, which I didn't think was right because it was swollen and I noticed at home that he didn't have the flap of skin to pull it together, but I kept my mouth shut. When she got the light on it, she noticed that he had cut off the skin,so she decided to do stitches, while doing that she gave him a very good science lesson . He ended up with 2 stitches. She also gave me the glue for future cuts..:D


Funny thing is...Dh took him to some sort of hunting benefit on Tuesday and they gave out knives as gifts. Ds came home asking me if he could keep his, that Dad told him that it was ok. I told him absolutely NOT! He did not like my answer and asked a couple of more times why he couldn't have one...Well, today he tells me, "Mom,I don't think I need a knife, until I am 21!":D:D:D

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Oh, poor guy!


It's a little scary that she forsees the need for glue in your future. Let's hope she's wrong.


since she had opened it, didn't used it and they were going to charge me for it, she might as well give it to me just in case I might need it.


Nice to have on hand IMO, oldest ds(18) is always doing something, ending up with a cut or a burn...he carves wood, works on the kids bike and other things, builds and now cooks

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