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Stop the madness!!! -- Thoughts on why you shouldn't re-rethink your curriculum


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I've read many of the responses, and I am thankful for this thread- especially at the start of our homeschooling journey. My DD is 3, really there is no need to homeschool her, but I want to "try out" homeschooling, and she's been excited to go to "school" since we took the tour and signed her up for preschool. When trying to decide to pull her out, I kept asking if she wanted to go to school- and she would always say yes. I decided to do it at home and settled on an easy to use inexpensive curriculum. Now that I get on this board, I see all these other pre-school programs out there. I can definitely see a problem. All the money I was going to save doing preschool at home was going to start flying out the window.


Now that I've read TWTM, I think that I will go with the curriculum suggestions in the book. I'd already bought the beginning books to Explode the Code before reading the book. Now that I've looked through the teacher's manual, I'm positive I'll stick to it, and I'm excited to see this choice in TWTM. I started using Saxon math in the 6th grade and finished my high school career with it and it's what I'll probably use for my children.

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