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Hi, I chose AAS for my DS6's spelling program. He has been doing ETC for phonics and is currently in book 4. Will AAS replace the need for ETC? DS6 is a fluent reader.





Actually they start to conflict with each other a little. Level 5 teaches phonics units that AAS does not, so I would drop it either way, but if he is reading well there is no reason to continue.




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That's good to hear. DS6 is my oldest, followed by DS4 and DD2. So, I don't really need a time filler via workbooks! He'll do them, but doesn't thrive on them. DS4 likes workbooks. Yea! But, in ETC book 4, he is learning syllable division of words. Is this a concept covered in AAS? Also, what about future concepts taught in ETC books 5-8?




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That's good to hear. DS6 is my oldest, followed by DS4 and DD2. So, I don't really need a time filler via workbooks! He'll do them, but doesn't thrive on them. DS4 likes workbooks. Yea! But, in ETC book 4, he is learning syllable division of words. Is this a concept covered in AAS? Also, what about future concepts taught in ETC books 5-8?







Yes AAS 2 works on syllables a lot.


I only have up to ETC 6.


ETC 5 covers plurals, adding ed and from what I remember the unit syllables. Let me grab it, it is literally right by my feet. Yep it started with ED, then teaches -all, -alk, -old, -olt-, -oll, -ild, -ind then it teaches qu, then beginning units thr-, shr-, scr-, str-, spr-, spl-, then back to endings -ey. It must be 4 that covered plurals. Of these only qu and ey are standard phonograms. It is possible that they are taught in level 6, but I own 1-5 and don't see any of the listed. I don't think level 6 will I think it will continue with more advanced material.


ETC 6 covers ar, or, er, ir, ur, wor, -igh, oo, ea, ie, oi, oy, ou, ow, au, aw, ew, ui, and ue. All these are standard phonograms that will be covered in AAS. If you would like to also use ETC you can.


The unit syllable part is the one way that, as I understand it, AAS tends to be different from other o/g programs. The arguments that I have heard is that by teaching unit syllables the child learns to recognize chunks of words instead of having to sound out whole words, where the other side says why make the child learn/memorize more sounds when they can just sound out the units. <shurg> Other than ETC I have always used programs on the sound it out side, but with my 2nd dd I am going to use a reading fluency program that works with units in hopes it will bring her reading speed up. I am personally not convinced either is right or wrong, just different approaches and one will click with some children and other children will prefer the other.




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Wow. Thanks for the thorough response! So, I am gathering that I will not have any educational gaps with DS if I just do AAS. I was looking over the materials today, and I think DS6 will be able to get through the first book pretty quickly since most of if will be review and getting used to the AAS system. I think I am going to laminate all the card sheets that came with the system so they'll last down to the next two kids!




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I think I am going to laminate all the card sheets that came with the system so they'll last down to the next two kids!


I know you didn't ask for an opinion about this... but I have one so I'm going to share it anyway. :D


I wouldn't bother laminating the cards. There are over 200 cards PER LEVEL -- way too many to laminate! The cards are not handled by the kids, so they stay in pretty good shape. I did place the large sheets (ie word banks) in page protectors, since they are used by the kids.

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I know you didn't ask for an opinion about this... but I have one so I'm going to share it anyway. :D


I wouldn't bother laminating the cards. There are over 200 cards PER LEVEL -- way too many to laminate! The cards are not handled by the kids, so they stay in pretty good shape. I did place the large sheets (ie word banks) in page protectors, since they are used by the kids.


I agree, BUT, I think the tab-dividers are worth laminating. Wish I'd done that, and I might still!


Merry :-)

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Oh well - I already started laminating. I am about 2/3 done. Sam's is selling the scott laminator for $25 with 20 pouches included and 50 pouches for $6. I actually purchased it for something else. But, I guess I'll finish laminating level A!



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Oh well - I already started laminating. I am about 2/3 done. Sam's is selling the scott laminator for $25 with 20 pouches included and 50 pouches for $6. I actually purchased it for something else. But, I guess I'll finish laminating level A!




Don't feel bad, I hand laminated (as in used clear contact paper) all mine. :D


Heather (Who will also continue to do all the other levels too-I cannot have my precious cards damaged.) :smilielol5:


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