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Memory Work


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I have a rising 2nd grader and I am curious how others "do" memory work?


How do you organize it? Where does your poetry, geography, etc. go? Do you review it periodically?


Do you memorize facts in geography, poems, etc in one week or do you work on one subject/week?


I am also wondering if you memorize people/dates for history with this young of a child. Do they remember for any length of time?


Any other tips/suggestions?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by kwg
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I was just researching this, as well.


I decided to check out www.classicalconversations.com just by chance...their bookstore (under the Foundations Resources)...they have memory work (you can buy either a CD, cards, or pdf file):




Looks interesting.


I'm interested to see what others say about this and memory work in general! :bigear:



respectful wife to DH

mom to 4 AP kids

Getting it all done with MOTH, Chore Packs (Responsibility Packs), & Workboxes (Treasure Boxes)!

Our Blog: www.http://www.ournatureoflivinglearning.blogspot.com/


DD 8.5 (3rd grader: ARFH-C; FLL3; WWE3; SM3a; Piano )


DS 6.75 (2nd grader: ARFH-T; FLL2; WWE2; SM2a; Piano )


Together: Sequential Spelling (switching to R&S Spelling?); SOTW2+AG; Noeo Bio I; SSL; The ABC's of Art; Picture/Composer Study)


DS 2.75 (Pre-K: www.letteroftheweek.com, Tot School, & joining in)


DS 6 months (catching-up to his siblings, started crawling at 5 months)

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I use the "Scripture Memory System" from Simply Charlotte Mason.




What I do different is that I put every poem or list that we memorize in here so there is never ending review, but at the same time, it's not too much review. I pick through the things I want them to memorize for the year as far as lists, poems, verses, prayers, whatever the case may be and make cards for them and put them in the box so they are ready to go. Every morning at the start of school, we take 5 minutes and go through the box.


Now I also have the IEW Poetry Memorization program and we use that in the car to work on some additional new poems. When they have the poems down cold, I just write them down and stick them in the box for once a month rotation.




For math facts we use the FlashMaster. I set the time and level and everyone spends 5 minutes or so on it a day.




As far as what we memorize in a given year, my experience is that it will be much more than what you think! I try to make sure that we get a good variety of poems, as in length, style, author. Lots of scripture memory. At least one hymn every few months. For history I use the guidelines in the WTM, so this year we are in SOTW 2 and we will memorize the ruler's of England with family allegiance, the list of major discoveries in the Kigfisher book, a Shakespearean sonnet and a speech from Macbeth. I keep last years history lists in the box and go through those also under the day a month tabs. I also put lists from grammar in the box but I, of course, don't put them in until we have learned them in school.



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:iagree: I have used the Simply Charlotte Mason Scripture Memory System...what a great idea to use for other memory verses...plus it is FREE!


Thanks a bunch!



respectful wife to DH

mom to 4 AP kids

Getting it all done with MOTH, Chore Packs (Responsibility Packs), & Workboxes (Treasure Boxes)!

Our Blog: www.http://www.ournatureoflivinglearning.blogspot.com/


DD 8.5 (3rd grader: ARFH-C; FLL3; WWE3; SM3a; Piano )


DS 6.75 (2nd grader: ARFH-T; FLL2; WWE2; SM2a; Piano )


Together: Sequential Spelling (switching to R&S Spelling?); SOTW2+AG; Noeo Bio I; SSL; The ABC's of Art; Picture/Composer Study)


DS 2.75 (Pre-K: www.letteroftheweek.com, Tot School, & joining in)


DS 6 months (catching-up to his siblings, started crawling at 5 months)

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