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Help! I thought I had high school physics figured out ...

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I was positive that I was going to use Kinetic Books for physics. I love their Algebra I and Algebra II programs. I just signed up for a trial of their physics and I don't like it at all. It is nothing like their Algebra programs.


My 16yo needs physics for next year. She is almost done with Algebra II (will finish before the new schoolyear starts). She will be using Chalkdust Precalculus concurrently with Physics.


I need a secular physics program.


What programs would y'all recommend?


A program that has a syllabus online or that I can order from somewhere would be a nice bonus.

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I've seen Giancoli recommended a lot, but it sounded like you needed to have already had trig in order to use that text. My dd has had Algebra II and will be doing Chalkdust Precalculus at the same time as Physics. She is generally very good at math, but the Precal text doesn't get to Trig until chapter 4. I don't know if that's soon enough for it. Can you do Giancoli concurrently with Precalculus?


I have also seen a lot of positive posts about Hewitt's Conceptual Physics, but I would like a text with more math if there is one that my dd can still do.


None of us would do well with a Saxon type of approach to anything.

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