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Help me plan my week- Readings and Writings.....


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We do History readings on Mon, Literature readings on Tues, Worldview/civics on Wednesday, and discussion time on Thursday.


I am about to begin IEW (DVD lessons) and I'm wondering on what day I should schedule it.


Should we watch it on Monday so that we can use the skills for narrations after each days readings? Or should I schedule it for Thursday and then assign a writing "project" that would apply to the previous days work?


We usually outline on Mondays using a section of the history reading.


I haven't actually received my IEW yet, so I'm a little at a lost for how to implement the program.


Can you help?





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We do History readings on Mon, Literature readings on Tues, Worldview/civics on Wednesday, and discussion time on Thursday.


I am about to begin IEW (DVD lessons) and I'm wondering on what day I should schedule it.


Should we watch it on Monday so that we can use the skills for narrations after each days readings? Or should I schedule it for Thursday and then assign a writing "project" that would apply to the previous days work?


We usually outline on Mondays using a section of the history reading.


I haven't actually received my IEW yet, so I'm a little at a lost for how to implement the program.


Can you help?






Which IEW DVDs did you order? The Student Writing Intensive?



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I am buying SWI-B for my rising 5th and 8th graders. I'm also getting the TWSS for me, and I'm hoping to have it all watched before the school year begins.


Those are great choices. Have you downloaded the free lesson plans available from the IEW site? Also, you might want to check out the IEW-Families Yahoo! group, which has tons of useful files and lots of wonderful support.


As to scheduling, I'd probably try to have the kids watch it early in the week so they could then work on their assignments for the rest of the week. I'm not sure I understand how your scheduling works though, so either may be fine.



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I have found that some of the DVD classes can be long - 50 minutes or so (not all of them). Those weeks may need several days to do the assignment. So my suggestion for you is to look at the DVD's before you use the program, and then set up a tentative plan. I don't think you could use the same schedule for each week - some lessons are 6 minutes, some are 50. There are also optional "review" weeks built in or more practice which you may not feel you need.

It will make more sense when you see the program. We love it - it has given a reluctant writer great tools to use.

Because we are doing the SWT B this summer, I bought the IEW history writings for the time period we will be studying this next year in order to continue learning the techniques.

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