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Anyone use IEW without the TWSS?


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Can I just use the SWI or do I need the TWSS to do this program successfully?


I also noticed that the SWI only has 15 lessons. How is this suppose to last a year? I can't see spendind $250 for the TWSS and SWI and then purchase the SICC to continue out the year.



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I am finishing my second year using IEW. We have used the SWI-A some, Ancient HBL, and Medieval HBL. I do think it is quite helpful to watch the TWSS but not critical depending on you. I was able to borrow the dvds from a friend, but have not bought them myself. I did buy the SWI-A and it helps you quite a bit. Also, the History Based Lessons by Lori V. are loaded with teaching help. If you are unsure about purchasing the TWSS, I would order a HBL first to get a feel for it that way. Also, if you order from IEW directly you can return anything you decide against for a full refund.



April in WA

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I am using the SWI-C with my ds. I just needed some last-minute writing instruction before I sent him off into the world. It works quite well alone. However, to get instruction on all of the models, I think you would have to get the SWI-CC. If I were just starting out with IEW and knew I was going to stick with it, I would just get the TWSS and then go into the history based lessons. But I do like sitting down with my dd and doing the class with him. I had no intention of doing IEW with my youngers until I started the SWI. Now I am. I have also heard it has good resale value, so that might make trying easier.


Now I am just drinking my first coffee, so I am rambling. I have heard that they have a great online group with lots of lesson plans. So if you just got the TWSS, then once you finished the included lessons, you could probably use the free lessons until you were more comfortable teaching it.

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OH, how I wish I had a friend to borrow these from. It sure would be helpful!


I am finishing my second year using IEW. We have used the SWI-A some, Ancient HBL, and Medieval HBL. I do think it is quite helpful to watch the TWSS but not critical depending on you. I was able to borrow the dvds from a friend, but have not bought them myself. I did buy the SWI-A and it helps you quite a bit. Also, the History Based Lessons by Lori V. are loaded with teaching help. If you are unsure about purchasing the TWSS, I would order a HBL first to get a feel for it that way. Also, if you order from IEW directly you can return anything you decide against for a full refund.



April in WA

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