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Advise re: Jamestown Publishing 'Best' Intro Level Literature (Gr 5,6)


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What is the best book to begin with? I have all the books (Nonfiction, Plays, Poems, Chapters, Short Stories (purchased inexpensively at Amazon)). Now I can't decide which are the ones I want to use for literature studies so I can buy the teacher's guide. (The rest will be read for fun.)


Any help?


Thanks to whoever recommended these!!! They look fantastic and I believe they will take my kids writing to a new level. They already love to write stories and do a great job with IEW. But these will really set them off.



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My Hewitt syllabus recommends starting with Best Nonfiction and then Best Short Stories for 7th grade. I'll be shuffling mine around over a 3-year period along with Lightning Lit 7 & 8. I will start with Nonfiction because we will be looking at a fair amount of primary source material for history. I'm obviously still working on the details.:D Sorry, I'm not sure what they recommend for Grades 5 & 6. You could contact Hewitt Home School and I'm sure they could answer that.

Edited by swimmermom3
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Thanks for the response. This helps immensely.


I really wanted to begin with the Short Stories or Chapters first for fun. But I'll look again at the Nonfiction. It may be just as fun...I haven't examined it thoroughly yet.


Would you mind letting me know your literature plans for the ages of your children? Did you begin with LL before the Best series?



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I think you could start anywhere you wanted. Nonfiction happens to work best with my plans for history.


As far as my literature plans are concerned, they are changing rapidly. My youngest ds (11) will be my only home schooler next year. His reading interests are different from the rest of the family. I will be using less historical fiction, and more biographies, poetry and nonfiction to cater to his interests. (Thanks to this forum and everyone's suggestions:D). I started using Lightning Lit for grades 7 & 8 this year with my 5th and 8th grader. All of us enjoyed it. The plan is to use what wasn't covered this year over the next three years of middle school. There isn't enough material left to cover all the time, so I purchased Jamestown to fill in the gaps.


I will pm you tomorrow if you want on how I am adapting Jamestown for our ancient history study next year. For example, the first lesson in the Nonfiction book covers author's purpose (to inform, to instruct, and to entertain). Ds will be making his own sand pyramid after reading David McCauly's book, Pyramid. One of the Jamestown writing options is to write a set of instructions. Ds will then write step-by-step instructions on how to build your own sand pyramid. You get the too-detailed idea:D

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