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opinions on Harveys Grammar


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We are going to dive into CW this year- Aesop for 3rd grader and Homer for 6th grader. I am debating whether or not to use Harveys as they suggest along with the CW-it seems like lots of people don't use it, and I was wondering why. My 6th grader has a pretty good grasp of grammar so far.



Lisa in Missouri-mom of 4 (11, 8, and 2yr old twinados)

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We don't use Harvey's mostly because I really like another grammar program (Rod and Staff) and we had already been using that for several years before we switched to Classical Writing. If it ain't broke... ;)


I don't know enough about Harvey's to say much about it.

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We used Harvey's this year along with Series 4 of McGuffey's Classic Curriculum Workbooks through Keepers of the Faith. My son loved it and actually received better scores on his achievement testing this year. Not sure if I am going to continue with the Revised Harvey's for 7th or not but I liked the program.


Only downfall is not much diagramming (although who diagrams on the job except English majors). This, to me, was minor since he tested so well and enjoyed the book.


Good luck!

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I have always had problems with grammar, so when you find something that works for you, and Junior Analytical Grammar was the first time I got grammar ever, well you go with what works.


Before I sold it I did work through some of Harvey's and it isn't horrendous. I just prefer AG.




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I am curious about this, too. We are currently using Rod & Staff simply because I feel like it is very thorough. But it is almost too much repetition for my DD. We are working through Aesop and moving on to Homer in the Fall, and I wonder if it would benefit us to switch - or not matter at all? Thanks for starting this thread - I hope it will help with our decisions :).

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We're using Harvey's with CW. We're actually getting more grammar practice out of CW than with Harvey's. I chose to use Harvey's because it is (loosely) included in the workbooks and it is part of a rigorous program. I don't love Harvey's--it uses older language and definitions--but it is okay. We were not using anything else prior to Harvey's. If you have a program that is working and you like it, stick with it.

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