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Workbook for Capitalization/Punctuation Only!?


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I am in desperate search of a book that drills punctuation and capitalization only. We've done grammar programs that have these included, but we need to focus in on the rules and of these two subjects alone with drill. Thank you, thank you for any suggestions. Janet M.:)

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You didn't mention the grade, but CBD has several workbooks intended for this purpose and by specific grade levels. One of them is called Daily Skill Builders, and EPS has one called Capitalization and Punctuation: Rules and Writing. I believe that Rainbow Resource has a few as well.


This year my son needed extra work in these areas and I found an old Easy Grammar book that we hadn't completed and had him do the punctuation and capitalization pages and I was amazed at how much he picked up.


Good Luck and Blessings!!!



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Rod and Staff has English worksheets for Punctuation and Capitalization. They are broken down into grades 3-5 and 6-8. Each one has a corresponding Teacher's Manual.


I've also worked through Jensen's Punctuation to help me with my punctuation skills. It's a very thorough program and lists all of the general punctuation rules in the beginning of the book. However, it's geared for grades 6-12.



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