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Question for those who make whole wheat bread

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Have any of you found your homemade 100 percent whole wheat bread (which I personally can't eat, but make) makes anyone or everyone else in your family more gassy? What could cause this? Is it in the technique (using a sponge or not using one, etc) or because it's all w/w?

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If it's not a regular part of the diet, any sudden increase in fiber will do that. You should probably do 50% and bring up the quantity slowly so their digestive system adjusts to it more.


We eat a lot of beans and it doesn't make anyone gassy here anymore but initially when I started making a lot more bean dishes it did. They can adjust to it but give it some time.

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Thanks. I'll go to 50/50. It's been all winter, and it may be that this person is just going to be gassy. Personally, I think my whole family should be gf based on what I've seen, but convincing them all just isn't easy! Of course, one of my kids thinks being gassy is fun:rolleyes:.

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It could be phytic acid - the same thing that makes beans gassy. You may be able to solve this by letting your flour ferment (i.e. sourdough). I do not have this problem with wheat, but I do have to let my beans soak for at least 24 hours until they begin to ferment or we need to evacuate the house... :o

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