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WWE and FLL- starting in the middle


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I need something for afterschool/home summerschool lessons for DS (end of 1st grade) and DD (end of 3rd grade.) I'm going to be starting with Handwriting w/o Tears- badly needed for both. But when they're ready to go beyond that, or to go back and fill in the gaps for DD, how might I start out with WWE and/or FLL?


I'm reading that part of WTM right now, and I've looked at all the sample pages on the WTM site, but I wonder if anyone has suggestions based on experience?


Thanks! :)

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Guest bookwormmama

Kah, I don't have any suggestions. I will say though that I have two kids finishing 1st and 3rd grade also who will also be starting HWT this summer and I am looking to put them into FLL and WWE too! What a small world. I look forward to someone else being able to answer this better for the both of us!

Thanks for asking this...

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If I'd read a little further in WTM, I would have found the part about "starting in the middle." LOL


For FLL, at least, it suggested that a second grader just starting FLL could start at the beginning of the 1 & 2 book and move along more quickly or skip some of the memorizations. For a 3rd or 4th grader, it suggested starting with the 3rd or 4th grade book, as those include a repeat/review the information in FLL 1 & 2.


I'll have to go back and re-read what it said about WWE now!

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for the WWE to just get the book itself, read it, and I believe it has "tests" that you can use to see where your kids should start in the program. For instance if they really need some remedial type work, they might only test at Level 2, and you could then buy the corresponding workbook to help you have the passages, etc. for that level, and could go through it as quickly or slowly as you desire.....I know the workbook is kind of pricy, but if this is something you are doing this summer, which starts really soon, the cost may be worth the time it would save you.



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If I'd read a little further in WTM, I would have found the part about "starting in the middle." LOL


For FLL, at least, it suggested that a second grader just starting FLL could start at the beginning of the 1 & 2 book and move along more quickly or skip some of the memorizations. For a 3rd or 4th grader, it suggested starting with the 3rd or 4th grade book, as those include a repeat/review the information in FLL 1 & 2.


I'll have to go back and re-read what it said about WWE now!


I have my 9yo doing both at double pace, though I don't have her doing handwriting at the moment (she is writing phobic, so doing a copywork and narration in one day is enough). My 7yo is doing them at normal pace, but next year I might speed them up.




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