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Please explain IEW to me

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I need something that will take us from the beginning of writing (sentences) to HS research papers. I hear that IEW does this, but looking at their website makes me even more confused. What do I need to get started? I don't want to invest so much money and find out I ordered the wrong set/materials.


Please help!

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We're just starting with IEW, but this is what I know about it.


Teaching Writing with Structure and Style (TWSS) is like the "bones of it) This is a DVD seminar for the parent to learn How to teach it. You can just get this and then pull your own sources for writing from other subjects you're doing.


If you need it a bit more laid out for you, then you'll want one of the Student Writing Intensives. They are leveled A, B and C depending on the age of the child who's starting the program. In this you'll get a DVD and student packet. The child will watch the DVD which is actually Mr. Pudewa teaching a small class of children. Your child will follow along doing just as the "class" on the DVD does. The materials you'll need for this are in the student packet. It has a basic outline for you in there as well, but it's a do at your pace type of program. Besides the source they use on the DVD there are usually a few others in the student packet you can do on your own without the DVD for extra reinforcement.


You could get them both if you want that way you can watch just the part of TWSS that you'll be covering with SWI instead of watching the whole seminar at once, if you're short on funds or need to stay within a smaller budget you could just get SWI and it would work since Mr. Pudewa is really doing the teaching, but you should be able to learn from that model, what you'd need to do for the reinforcement.


I bought both because that way if I'm not quite sure about something I have TWSS to refer to.


After you finish and SWI level you could move on to the Student intensive Continuation Course, one of the Theme programs, or make up your own things.



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I would strongly suggest that you start with a combination of the teacher dvds (TWSS) and either the student dvds (SWI) of the appropriate level or a theme based book. The teacher dvds will teach you all you need to know for any age, but it is hard to get started. After you get going, you are enabled to do everything on your own or you can continue buying lesson plans from their resources. I do some of both.

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