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Laura Cook

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Posts posted by Laura Cook

  1. I am trying to decide if we will continue on with ES next year or try something else. We are using Biology for Grammar Stage this year and I'm feeling so-so about. The biggest turn off for me is the encyclopedia readings, they are boring and do not contain enough info. My kids seem to enjoy the program though so we continue on. Reviews and/or recommendations would be great! Thanks!

  2. Okay, I am sort of clueless here because this has never happened to me before. I ordered something from National Geographic, they had the correct shipping address and I got a tracking number. The package made it as far as my local post office, then it was rerouted! The tracking says it was delivered to the wrong post office (except it wasn't!) and has now been rerouted to Charlotte, NC and has went out for delivery! Who the heck do I contact about getting this fixed, National Geographic or the post office? Thanks!


    Whew! We weren't the only ones late. :coolgleamA:



    I am so relieved we aren't the only late ones!! Ours went out today also. We have all been sick for a couple of weeks so this last weekend was the first the kids felt up to doing them.

  4. I like the idea of having a text to read, rather than a few random facts from an encyclopedia as we are currently doing with Elemental Science Bio. I am not to sure about the student pages at the end of each chapter though, I don't think my oldest is going to have the skill or the desire to do them. I am looking to possible do several units from Mr. Q Life to finish out the year and then use it next year. Do you use the worksheets? Do you add anything to Mr. Q? Basically how do YOU use it? Thank you!

  5. I have two kids in different stages of K right now! You can see what we use in my signature. DS6 spends about an hour, while DD4 spends about 30-45 minutes. They also participate in science and history if they want (and they usually do) and we spend at least an hour a day on read alouds.

  6. We always sleep in the same bed unless one of us falls asleep on the couch or is away. For several years we usually ended up with a couple kids in bed with us also until we decided I wasn't getting enough sleep with them in there and worked to get them in their own beds. DH goes to bed before I do and I usually snuggle up against his back for a bit until I get too hot. That man is like a furnace! I like to be cold when I sleep. I can sleep when he isn't there though too. I can sleep anywhere, anytime. I think that is the only reason I survived the baby/toddler years! Oh I love my sleep!

  7. Last week I had planned to read Pride and Prejudice but couldn't seem to get started, so I switched to The Handmaid's Tale instead. I have read it before but it always leaves me feeling a bit disturbed. The way society gets restructured makes me uncomfortable but how Offred's daughter is taken from her really upsets me. I always end up crying. DH suggests that perhaps I get a little too involved in my books! I tell him that's the only way I can read!


    I also finished How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk. I liked it and think I may start a separate thread to talk about it with anyone else who has read it.


    This week I am reading On the Beach by Nevil Shute, I read this in high school and liked it so much that my English teacher gave me her copy. I recently ran across it and decided to reread. Also have managed to start Pride and Prejudice. I reread it every couple of years and this is the firat time ever that I had a hard time getting going.

  8. We use both! We start OPGTR in K. My oldest started AAS about 3/4 of the way through K. I didn't really pay attention to what lesson in OPGTR we were on! He was begging to do spelling so we went ahead. I think that AAS has really helped reinforce his reading so far. My middle child will start AAS around the same time as the oldest. I think they work very well together. We do spelling 4 days a week for about 15 -20 minutes.

  9. I use magazine holders on a shelf. For example I have our SOTW book, the activity guide, the encyclopedia and the extra books we are currently reading in one holder, then the student pages in a binder right next to it. I do the same thing with our science. Also have each child's books and workbooks in individual magazine holders. That's what works for us, it isn't pretty but it is nice to just grab one magazine holder down when we need it. Hope that helps!

  10. I am afraid of heights. So afraid that even seeing something from high up on tv will set it off. The palms of my hands and the soles of my feet start to get this weird tingly feeling in them. It's like if I slipped I know I wouldn't be able to grab on to anything fast enough to catch myself. *shudder* I don't think I've ever been over a bridge tall enough to set it off. Airplanes strangely enough don't bother me, I love landing and taking off, I think its a rush!

  11. My first book is The Midwife: A Memoir of Birth, Joy and Hard Times by Jennifer Worth. So far I really like it! The book is different and better than the PBS series, which I expected. I do wish I had read the book before watching the show, because now I can only see and hear the characters as they were on TV.


    I am also slowly working through How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber, withholding an opinion on this until I can get a little further into it.

  12. Hi! We live about 15 minutes outside of Springfield in a small town. We like living in this area, but then it is the only place either of us remember living! Lol! Springfield has great hospitals and pretty good shopping. There are a lot of restaurants and a lot of churches to choose from. There are several colleges in town. I can't tell you much about the homeschool community because we haven't really gotten in touch with it yet since my kids are pretty young. I love the downtown area! There are quite a few great little restaurants, shops and theaters. I love that we have easy access to some great nature areas for camping, boating, etc.


    The only things I don't like are the urban sprawl and the traffic in town can be yucky, but I'm sure nothing like a bigger city.


    Not sure how much help that was, but we love it here!

  13. You aren't alone! We don't go to bed late and are usually up by 7:30 at the latest, but we still don't start school until 10 or 10:30. Before lunch we do our calendar activities, memory work, some reading aloud and then either history, science or geography. I try to get math and spelling done with my oldest but it doesn't always happen. After lunch we do all the rest. My kids just seem to focus a lot better after they have had most of the morning to play. I am beginning to really appreciate the flexibilty that homeschooling offers! :001_smile:

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