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Posts posted by enlarsh

  1. I am in a similar situation. Not a huge threat, but a possible one. We're looking at pursuing domestic adoption in several years (not an infant, but young child to keep the birth order.)


    It's a heart-wrenching decision. We love our two kids to pieces, but we feel like we have room for more. My dear friend had a baby six weeks ago, and when I held her I certainly wasn't LONGING for a baby again, so I think my heart has really opened to adopting a child or two who really needs a family. Our biggest fear is the adoption process itself--we know so many people who have begun to love a child (even before it is born) only to have the adoption fall through.


    Just remember that giving birth to a child is not the only way to mother one.

  2. We'll be doing CC this year for my oldest in Kindergarten also. I'm excited to be a part of a like-minded group--that was my biggest reason for joining. I had planned on just doing classical on my own, but was thrilled to find it online while I was doing a google search for "classical curriculum kindergarten".


    From what I understand, we can do as little or as much CC as we like. For my little guy, my plan is to expand on selected pieces of the timeline and geography and just focus on the memory work. The art and science is a great bonus too!

  3. You ladies are great! You've really made me smile about this whole situation. I was actually crying about this earlier, because it hurt to see his little feelings hurt so badly and to watch the mom (who happens to be a pastor's wife) do nothing.


    I'm glad I was able to watch the whole situation unfold this afternoon instead of getting the preschool version of what happened while I was tending to his baby sister.

  4. I've had trouble with migraines since I was a teen. I've had trouble with daily medication and haven't gotten any new Rxs since pregnancy/nursing my youngest. (Not nursing now, but haven't gone back to the dr.)


    When I feel them just starting to come on I drink an ice-cold Coke and devour a couple of Hershey Dark Chocolate miniatures that I always keep on hand, and add take at least 2 motrin. Then I lie down for as long as hubby/children can manage w/out me. I ALWAYS wear dark sunglasses outside as glare seems to be a trigger for me.


    If I wake up with a migraine, I place ice cold washcloths on my forehead and lie with my feet highly elevated in a dark room. Add to that the ice-cold Coke, dark chocolate, deep-breathing, and alternating Tylenol/Motrin every 2 hours.


    My husband travels a lot and with no family around, my 5yo ds has discovered that when mommy has a headache it means movies and popsicles. He knows he has to be good and help with his sister or they will be in their rooms.


    I hope you will feel better soon.

  5. Thanks for the replies everyone. I was just being "snarky" about the socialized thing--snarkiness doesn't translate well online though. These neighbor kids are the epitome of "unsocialized" to me.


    Anyway, thank you for the reassurance and I'm happy to find some quite useless tasks for him to complete the next time these kids come knocking: Matching his sister's hairbows, cleaning baseboards with baby wipes, scraping play-dough from the porch deck...the list goes on and on.


    Thankfully we are moving in six weeks so this too shall pass. But, there are mean kids everywhere and I need to learn to fine-tune my responses. :D

  6. Forgive me if this has been posted somewhere else. I need some grounded opinions. This will be our first year homeschooling.


    Recently, our 5yo son has been coming home crying every time he plays with a particular set of three siblings across the street. It's always the same theme, "They won't play with me." Normally, I try to stay out of stuff like this, and although he's definitely not perfect, overall he's a pretty easy-going kid who gets along with his little sister and is quick to invite others to play.


    I watched the drama unfold today while sitting on our front porch. Several things happened, but the final event which brought my son home in tears was when he asked if he could play ball with them and they said "sure" then they threw the ball down and all went inside. Meanwhile their mom sat on the porch watching the whole thing happen.


    These kids have always been fickle--one day they'll come over to ask him to play and then ten minutes later they won't have anything to with him. It wouldn't be so bad if there were other kids around that he could walk to their house, but that's all that are his age in our cul-de-sac. He is very quick to make friends with just about anybody, and these are the only kids that he seems to ever have real problems with. He has plenty of friends outside of these kids, but he'll see them outside when I'm making dinner or when we're just hanging around the house and he will want to go play.


    My husband thinks I should not let our son play with these neighbors anymore, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has had to deal with something like this.


    Thanks in advance.

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