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Posts posted by HSmomNY

  1. What special needs and ages are you home educating? What methods and materials are working?


    DS 2- Autism non-verbal, SPD( Sensory Seeking), ADHD - We are doing Speech, ABA ( 20 hours a week ), OT and Little gym. No real academics yet. He is a wonderful happy child with LOTS and LOTS of energy.


    DS16 - Aspergers - Getting ready for college - BYU independent studies advanced program. It is great that he is so independent.

  2. I was reading a news article about one of the candidates and it talked about his contributions to his church of stock he owned. I thought "this is news?". Then I remembered a event when I was a teen. I went to a friends church and they 'passed the plate' during the service. I was very surprised by this and some what confused because this is not something we do in my church.

    So I was wondering how other faith-communities ( ie. churches, mosques, temples, fellowships etc.) hand collecting donations? Do some members give stocks?


    It would be great if you could tell what faith community you are talking about.

  3. Please no bashing. A friend made a comment to me tonight that had me saying , and wondering why she would say it. She said Mormons aren't Christians. Why? What am I missing? If you are Mormon, do you consider yourself a Christian or not?


    I am a Mormon and I am a Christian.

    I am a follower of Christ, at times not the best one but a follower just the same.

    I have faith in Christ and believe that though His atonement I can be saved and return to live with My Heavenly Father again. I believe He died for my sins. I believe He is my Savior. I love Him and try each day to be more like Him. I grow in my faith when I read the scriptures, the Old and New Testaments, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price as well as the words of living prophets.


    As to why some people do not see us as Christians, Well....

    1. We have additional scriptures beyond the Bible.

    2. We have a living Prophet, who receives revelation for our day.

    3. We have a different understanding of the God Head ie. we do not believe in the Nicene Creed.


    There are other reasons but I think these are the main ones, or at least the ones I hear most often.

    Thank you for you time and questions.

  4. 2 Timothy 3:16-17: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.''


    I find the Book of Mormon to be all that. I find it to be inspired of God, profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness. It helps me daily in my quest to do good works. But I am afriad the perfect part is still a long way off.

    My testimony of and faith in Jesus Christ have been greatly strengthen by my study of the Book of Mormon.

    I am sorry you have not found it so.

  5. We have a Rottweiler and a two year old son with autism. The dog is wonderful with him. My son sits on the dog, pulls his ears, tail and anything else he can grab. The dog just puts up with it.

    He is also very protective of my son. When he was crying because he did not like what his ABA teacher wanted him to do, the dog came upstairs and growled at the teacher. He was fine when I came and told him the teacher was okay and so was my son.

    NOTE: we took our son with us when we checked out he dog. So we could see if the dog would be okay around him. Great dog, wonderful with our son.

  6. Backstory- I have been homeschooling my son(16) and my neice(16) for 11years or so. We have been planning and saving for a big family/ graduation trip to Disney world for many years. My problem is that my dn is not on track to graduate next year, She has not been doing her work. she has the ability but just does not want to do it. So what should I do??


    note; she does not live with us, most of the time & she has been to Disney 10x with her mother. DS has been twice with family

  7. Trying giving him choices between something he likes and something he doesn't like. With my son I give him a choice between a apple slice ( he likes) and a pickle ( he does not like), the one he picks is the one he gets. It helps him to look and think about what he is chosing.

    Just an idea. :001_smile:

  8. Sorry I can offer much except a hug. :grouphug:


    I am also trying to get an at home ABA program setup for my soon to be 2 year old son. I have 2 high school junior I am also homeschooling and I am getting Chemo for cancer.

    So I have no great answers but know you are not alone and YOU CAN DO THIS... :D

  9. Has anyone every had a positive experience with a guidance counselor? Back when i was in school they were useless, my husband describes his the same. The guidance counselor we spoke to when we looked at the local public high school seemed, well, dim and uninformed. In our homeschool we have given the job of Guidance Counselor to the cat. She does the job as well as any person, we have ever had experience with.:confused:

  10. Why?

    Because I don't have time, money or energy for it.

    I ware the clothes I have, I don't have the time or money to go shopping for new clothes.

    I don't ware makeup again because of both time and money.

    My hair style was chosen for utility in the hospital not for esthetics.

    Note: I am dealing with a lot right now, Chemo, caring a parent with dementia, setting up services for a SN child..and so on.

    Sorry if my lack of attention to my appearance bothers you, but I don't have the extra energy to care.:confused:

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