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Posts posted by charmama4

  1. I base my shipping time on by my bank statement. I read that they don't ship out until payment was collected (which is not usually at the time of ordering). That can take up to a week, then you add the 7-10 or whatever time on shipping by UPS.


    I know it's longer than most by like a PP mentioned, you can't beat the price especially with the free shipping on orders $150 or more.

  2. Pancake mix is usually just flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. So you can make pancakes from scratch for even less. (Plus I like to be in control of the amount of sugar that goes into my food; we usually sweeten with honey instead.)


    Honey...eh? That sounds yummy. I'm always looking for creative ways to add more *local* honey in my day to help with my horrific allergies. Thanks.


    Another meal not necessarily good for you, but fun every once in a while is pancakes for supper. You can add chocolate chips, fruit, etc. This is always a cheap meal! and the kids love it.






    We love *breakfast* for dinner!! We especially love blueberry pancakes. You figure one box of pancake mixe for $1.70 and a pint of blueberrys for 3.00, that's under $5 bucks!!!


    We also like to do *bubble eggs*, potato hash (diced potato and onion homemade of course :tongue_smilie:) and orange smiles.

  4. We end up spending almost $200/week. There are 6 people at our house. I do one weekend trip where I generally spend about $150 and then another "we're out of produce, bread and cereal" trip during the week.


    I noticed that your menu has meat as a dinner almost every day. I couldn't afford to do that.


    This is how I shop as well. $150 a week with $50 for produce and milk run.


    Lentils is a great way to keep protein in your dinners and it WAY cheaper. Make taco's with them, they are yummy. www.hillybillyhousewife.com has some good lentil recipes.

  5. There are tons of threads that are really good. Some have had their kids put their phones on the charger each night, some have them bring their phones to have text messages erased(you can verify text amt of #'s by looking at the phone bill online)

    Ours is.... remember not to send any photo that is in any way revealing. Remember any photo can be loaded to facebook ect... by anyone else that you send it to.... The phone is always something I can ask to spot check by picking it up and looking through the messages... and I've done it!

    You really have to just go over the text part more than any other. Also, is it like dinner time years ago? No answering the phone during dinner? No looking at texts? You'll have to see what will make your phone happy with your teens using them... which is partially done by habits that the parents follow...




    I like being able to check online :D. Texting is a concern and will also keep in mind the photos. Thank you.

  6. So, dh and I have agreed to allow ds to get a cell phone. I look at a cell phone as a privilege and not a right and can be taken away when the use is abused. My question to all you fine parents with cell phone lugging teens is what rules do you apply to the cell phone and what punishment do you use when a rule is broken? In addition to these questions, could you share some of your wisdom of your experiences as well? Thank you in advance.

  7. My grocery store has a couple bins way in the back with marked down stuff that has been dented, etc. Every once in a while I find something good there.


    My commissary has one and I have found some real good stuff!!

  8. You really, really need to find a good attorney thta knows that laws and regulations in your area. Every state is very different. In our state an outside agency is now required to be involved in every child support situation in the state. All monies go to the agency before going to the children - I guess in an effort to keep better track of deadbeat providers. Plus, in our state what is provided is determined by the actual income of the parent. I know some non-costodial parents who deliberately work off the clock or in very low paying jobs just to keep child support low. (I think that iis a terrible thing to do to their children by the way).


    Or they work "under the table" so no income is declared as in the case of the NCP in my case.:glare:

  9. Love, love, love, did I say love? Love my, what we affectionately call the "SUB". It's old (1989), it's ugly (black with some rust spots) but boy o boy is it roomy. It's actually bigger than the newer ones :).


    I know I know "but what about the gas?" I spend $150 ($3 a gallon here) a month in gas. I don't go anywhere much so it lasts us. It gets about 17-19 miles per gallon.


    We have 4 kids, a med. to large dog and we tent camp. We are also members of the SCA. So, it's not just camping it's camping like the middle ages with all the "stuff". We need lots of room and we tow a small trailer.


    I love my "sub" :D

  10. Buy multiple packs of the same socks for each person in the family and make sure each persons socks look different. This helps to make it easier to match socks.


    this is what I do. gotta love Hanes, and Fruit of the loom, they have different styles, grey toes and heels, and all grey bottoms.


    But where do the odd socks go? They almost always return after I throw their partner away. :leaving: What's their motivation?


    I do like the initial thing. Any storage ideas? At the moment, we put all of the socks in the basket and hope for the best. Maybe I should wash socks seperately. And just do them a couple of times a week. I am aware I am over thinking a bit here, but I am so tired of tripping over than d*#n basket.


    I have a dryer that eats socks and occasionly gets indigestion and upchucks one or two :lol:


    I do *whites* once a week. Any inside out socks gets piled in the living room floor for the kids to right side in for. That's *my* pet peeve.:glare:


    Colored Sharpie markers and white-only socks! Each person gets their own color (a nice thick stripe down the middle of the sole - it's much easier to see than reading initials on toes). I only buy one brand/cut so all socks match. I don't fold socks together - they just get put into each person's sock drawer.


    this is a great idea! Especially now that my older ds and dh wear the same size....12!!!:scared:

  11. I'd be thinking about some sun on the skin, some good wine at the lips, and some good tea that doesn't have one ear listening for the children.

    That's what I'm talking about;)


    I'm with your dh. If this was my first night away in 9 years, I would get my tooshie to a department store and buy some lingerie. No pens, no paper, no plans. Go out to a nice restaurant, do something fun together, then head back to the room and do something FUN together! Plan another day.

    You just throw it on the floor and if it's looks good buy it!:lol:



    Learn to approach things like this...instead of saying "dear it is time for our goal setting and planning session," in the car just say something like "where do you think our family will be in 5 years? Where would you like us to be?" "you know honey, one thing that I really wish our family was better at is......" "You know I feel so loved when you do....." "It would make such a huge difference to me if you and I were better at ...."


    Bringing things up like this is much better for my marriage.... It works for my guy anyway


    Just a suggestion...


    A great suggestion at that.


    I'm a lot like the OP and would instinctively want to do something "productive". But the other posters are right and I believe you should follow their advice - lingerie, wine, relaxation. Let you imagination do the rest. ;)


    Maybe later you can do a talk - not planning, just conversation about goals, future, etc. I think both of you will feel more satisfied with this approach....


    I do this too. My mind can race with *plans* sometimes. But, if I had an opportunity to be kids free for a couple of days I can reassure you my plans would not include retirement funds :D.


    Enjoy your time with you dear husband!! You need it as much as he does.

  12. I think it's awesome of your MIL to take an active role in her granddc education...sort of speak:tongue_smilie:. No seriously though, she went out and thoughtfully purchased something educational. Granted, not exactly what YOU would have pick out but it's the thought, right?


    It's unfortunate when I hear from these boards the unsupportiveness from parents, family, and friends. I can't imagine. It saddens me really. And you have a MIL that is trying and you wondering what to do? Thank you her, silly!!


    Have you talked to her about your curic. choices? Maybe she'll get more of better idea of what to look for when she's looking in stores or catalogs.

  13. I'm a third of the way through a quilt top for Dh, and will be making Waldorf style dolls for each of the kiddies. I don't know if they'll like them or not, but I have the cutest ever fabric for a Norse outfit I bought before I even conceived ds, but he was too big by winter so it is still waiting :( So I'll make it up for the doll, and make a Roman tunic (since that is what he usually wears) and he'll have a Roman and Barbarian thing happening. He probably won't care, since he'll only be two, but I'll get a kick out of it. I'll do the same for dd. She'll be heading towards 4, so I think she'll like having a doll to dress.




    THAT sounds soo cute, pix please when you finish? Definately something they can play with at an event.

  14. I save the spice jars/containers through out the year and wash them out. I'll make a big batch of bbq rub or an all in one type spice (mexican,italian) and reuse the old spice jars. I print out my own labels and mail them out. The weight isn't high so my shipping costs are huge, I am an avid recycler and it's easy.


    I also do the bean soup mix in a bag or cookie mix or hot chocolate mixes types of things.

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