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Posts posted by siloam

  1. I've read that some of you are doing both TOG writing and CW, how do you get that all in in your week? I'm really warming to TOG writing, but I like the CW approach, too. I'm doing WT right now. Just curious how you do all the writing without turning your kids away from writing.




    My dd types, so it is pretty easy. If she were to write it all out...well it would be a great deal of time.




  2. And of course, you can easily wait to start Classical Writing until 4th or 5th grade.


    I am a big fan of CW, but I do wish I had had more hand-holding for teaching my boys the process and and mechanics of writing early on.


    Agreed. I started it in 3rd but we are also doing a lot of other things and are taking our time.


    Also technically Aesop A has 18 weeks of material, and Aesop B another 18. Homer is for 5th grade on up per the CW website, so if you start in 3rd you are going to need to supplement (which we are).



  3. I have 2 ds, 9 & 11. They are not very strong writers, we need something that will teach from the ground up. I was looking at CW Aesop B. Would this be a good fit? Not needed?







    I am doing both at the moment. Now I have only been doing both for 3 weeks, so my view might be skewed.


    For me CW Aesop is very easy to do, very structured. My dd loves to write, so we are adding in TOG. I love the material, the assignments themselves, well some are great and some are just ok. What I am struggling with and having to come up with on my own is a weekly writing process. Of course I am borrowing from CW and doing just fine, but I can see where people who don't have exposure to CW could feel....totally lost. They do try. In week 2 for instance we read over the steps in writing, but on the schedule they don't implement it. I would like to see it added to the student sheets with a check box for the different stages of writing, just like the page outlines. But they don't. I am cutting and pasting the student sheets into MS Word so I can add it myself. If you are aware of this going in I think you can easily side step and problems, like I am.


    If your kids don't care to write I think TOG alone would be fine. If I required my dd to physically write I would have WW III on my hands and not much writing, so she types both and thus is able to produce so much.


    I do think TOG writing does a good job of scheduling reasonable assignments, and building skills then reviewing them. Just start your kids out at their proper grade level, and don't overly worry about missing things. Most skills are reviewed every other year (I think formal letters were covered in 2nd, 4th and 7th).




  4. Kimber,


    What are you after that Biblioplan isn't enough?


    I ask because TQ would add some commentary, Christian based where important though much of it is just a basic overview of events and TQ is an awesome book list. If that is what you want, then TQ will fit the bill. In fact I wouldn't recommend TOG for a book list. TQ has tons more. If that isn't what you are looking for, then TOG might still be what you need.



  5. If I can jump in. :o I love audio resources and was wondering if these would work for ME? Not in place of the teacher notes, but I think I could process the teacher notes better if I had been introduced to the information first. I am a visual dyslexic and I am finding the ALL the information in the Teacher Notes sometimes leaves feeling like a sodden sponge. Too much to be able to soak it all up.



  6. Has anyone used this or have an opinion on it? visualizeworldgeography.com


    I bought it and then sold it. The resources where great, lots of info on the CD, but I should have listened to that voice that said, "I don't know about this," before I bought it.


    Mostly it is a problem with the way I like doing geography first. Which is integrated into history (thus TOG), second it was too high on the hokey scale for me. The kids may have loved it, but there were about three of the pictures used that were of her kids, like a kid playing soccer. I was concerned the kids wouldn't connect with those. Then I got to reading stuff on how when you recall things memorized in singing/rhyme that you have to sing them. These were not my sort of rhymes that I wanted to know for years to come, KWIM? It was just too silly for my tastes.


    But I bet the program does work if you can get past those issues.


    I did contact the author to ask some questions before I purchased and she was very helpful.




  7. Oh I love planning!


    Bible - Kay Arthur or read Bible with narration sheets.


    Math - Singapore with RS games


    Latin - Want to start LL and Minimus I bought for this year but haven't done because I then had to add ds to the roster, so I put it on the back burner.


    Language arts-CW Homer with Harveys or Analytical Grammar and SWR spelling.


    History: TOG year 3/4


    Science - God's Design Finish Chemistry and do Physics (nope not on the WTM cycle here) on own; listen in on the younger kids Apologia Zoo 2 and 3


    Writing: combo of-in order of use: Classical Writing, lapbooks, narration and TOG. My dd is into writing.


    Literature: TOG


    Art/Music History/Appreciation: TOG


    Art: Pursue on own with books I buy (seriously crafty).



  8. to be able to easily scroll down a page of posts, and read the shorter answers right there in the subject line.


    Now it's a pain to open every post, scroll down through all the replies, and click through pages.


    Plus, the personality and fun are gone.


    But the good thing is that this should help me cut down on board time during the week, or when I need to do other things.

    Michelle T


    The use of nt is something they should be able to fix. On other vbulletin boards I am on they do allow posting only one character. But it will probably require them to pull down the boards to correct it.


    I am on other vbulletin boards, so I am used to it and don’t really mind it. It does have its own benefits. For example:


    You can add your favorite people to your buddy list (not sure what features they have enabled yet).


    If you click on a person’s name or view their profile you have the option of pulling up all the posts they have made. From there you can go to the post if you want to read the whole thing. The Profile also has an option to find all the posts they have started.


    Private Messages are a great tool for connecting with people.


    I also recommend you change your, “display modes,” which is found on the upper right hand side when you are looking at a thread, to either Hybrid or Threaded. Both will have a window where you can see who has posted to what person like the old boards. Linear either has the posts first to last or last to first, depending on how the boards are set up, looks first to last to me.


    Hope it grows on you all in time. I so miss some of the same things.



  9. Thanks, I saw the Table of Contents and I still couldn't figure it out. You're right it seems like both. I guess I was wondering if there was some method behind the maddness that I wasn't figuring out.


    I would have preferred to have it set up like Biblioplan. But I guess I'll still buy it.


    Thanks for the info,:)


    My SIL preferred chronological, so she just re-arranged the weeks.



  10. Well,


    If you want to know what I decided...here goes. I'm going to do the usborne for right now. The cost for the Astronomy book is $45 here in Can. and I just can't justify it, although I really want it. Of course, I have been known to vacillate, and I might just get the Jeannie Fulbright text anyway. I'm soo bad:)


    Thanks for your advice. It helps to get a 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinion.


    Wow that much!?! Look for it used. Even with the increased shipping I think you will find it much cheaper used. But if you do want the revised edition (where Pluto is no longer a planet) you are going to have to ask questions. Most will be the older version.



  11. I vote for Usborne too. I love Usborne, and I think Jeannie Fulbright's books are for 4th and up right?


    If used independently yes, but read aloud they are fine for much younger. I read Botany, which is considered one of the more advanced due to the vocabulary, when my kids were 8, 7 and 5 (in other words we finished it a year ago in December). Just about a month ago I had my 5/6yo correct me on what was a veggie and fruit based on what she learned from that book. Couldn't believe she remembered it, but she was right on and I was wrong. Yep that hurt the pride a little. :rolleyes:




  12. Well I am going to go against the norm and vote for Apologia. I enjoy Usborne books, but use them as secondary sources. Love the pictures but struggle with how the information is arranged how cluttered it is on the page and how many factoids they include. To be honest we own a lot of the younger books and not a whole lot of the older texts because they are more simple.


    Apologia, on the other hand, only includes information that pertains to the topic, builds on topics in a logical (to me) manner and is isn't cluttered.


    We will be starting Zoo 2 in about a month, and have done Botany before we started what we are doing now. The kids still remember a TON from Botany (even the 6yo), but none of them remember anything I can point to from the Usborne books we used before that (SL science).



  13. here is mine. I think it will be in my signature. If not I will be replying again in a minute.




    You won't need to post again. Your signature will auto update when you enter it. :D


    I don't have a blog, so:


    We had a great week till today. Dh is working overtime, our washer died last Friday (and was repaired today), and so dh told me to take the day off to do laundry.


    We got 4 solid days in, so I am happy.




  14. We're going to keep the other boards up for the time being, but I hope most of you will decide to move on over here and create a profile for yourself. I'll be checking in regularly too.


    This is jut FUN! :cool:






    p.s. Hey I don't have to type all the code anymore to have green letters in comic sans ms. WhooHoo!

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