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Posts posted by ckweyant

  1. I know that math has been discussed many, many times on this board, but I have been off for quite some time. I have taken my 13yo son out of ps after only 7 weeks. He struggles so much in math, and Im not strong in math either. He used and passed TT Pre-Algebra last year. This year we have been using Chalkdust Algebra I with the dvds, but he struggles so much with the Algebra rules. Any opinions? I like the idea of a mastery program, but Im not sure if that is what he needs. I dont know his learning style. Maybe MUS or MEP?


    Thank you in advance,


  2. the teaching technique that revolves around a child's particular interest in something, i.e., horses, cars, etc.? After homeschooling my ds last year I decided to put him (for the first time) in p.s. (8th grade). He did great in the few subjects that he was interested in, but failed in the others. He is now back home. He has a difficult time remembering things minute by minute, unless he is interested (fishing, shooting guns, crime shows). I don't know much about ADD, but I don't think that he has that, he's just a 13 yo boy that has low self esteem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  3. I am thinking of starting a business that incorporates going into peoples' homes while they are away, checking to make sure their house is secure. By that I mean, no flooding, everything works, their grass is still alive, no electrical problems, etc. We live in a upper middle class to upper class town. I am trying to decide on a name. So, which name tells you what the business does:


    1.__________ Home Watch Valet

    2.__________ Home Valet


    3.__________House Sitting

    4.__________Home Sitting


    5.__________Home Watch

    6.__________House Watch


    Thank you, Cassandra

  4. Im sorry if this came across as husband bashing, that is not my intent at all. What I trying to understand, is if I am doing something wrong.


    Please remove this is this is considered husband bashing, as I am not trying to break board rules. But, I could really use some insight.


    Blessings, Cassandra

  5. This is very important, as this may mean the end of my marriage.


    My dh, who has no children, has said that he thinks that it is sick for me to allow my 8yo ds to sleep with me occasionally when he is away. I have two other dc, ages 14 and 13 who did this sometimes, when they were younger (I was a single parent for quite awhile).


    Some background: My dh comes from an abused background as a child. He is very self centered and immature (in a quite a few ways). He never really had much of a childhood, and was sent to boarding school at the age of 12. He had a slew of step parents while he was at home.


    I have never thought that what I did was wrong, sick, or inappropriate. I have always wore pj's to bed. But then again, I have NEVER had any kinds of inappropriate thoughts about any of my children. I was raised in a loving home, with no abuse. My Mom was abused by her father, but has never let that interfere with her children (she has 5 of her own and 4 step children).


    I am at a complete loss. From time to time, my children, as well as my siblings children has slept in the bed with my parents (their grandparents) when they were younger. My ds (the one that we had the argument about) has slept with his dad (after we divorced). My dh even says that it makes him uncomfortable to see me snuggling with my dc (one the couch while watching a movie).


    Please, please help me with your advice. God Bless, Cassandra

  6. My dd will be almost 18, but she is already taking CC classes, so she may be finished with her bachelors degree at the age of 19. She has always been an advanced student, and we are very proud of her.

    My ds will finish at the age of 18, but I am not sure that he will be able to dual enroll. We'll see if he starts stepping up to the plate with responsibility and maturity, hopefully sometime soon!

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