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  1. Hi, I am looking for something that may not exist. I have loved the idea of Gateway to the Classics Read-Aloud Offerings (http://www.gatewaytotheclassics.com/offerings/offering_display.php?offeringid=5) but with the number of children I'm working with daily and the things I want to do one-on-one with my youngest ones instead of the read-aloud pieces I was hoping something similar already existed that has audiobooks recordings, preferably from the public domain but not necessarily, already scheduled out and linked. Does anyone know if something like this exists? If so, I'd love to see it. If not, perhaps I need to make it. Katie
  2. My 11 year old (on Saturday) son has been doing Singapore math since the beginning. It has been a really good fit in some ways, but this year (grade 5 math) has been a real struggle and I'm seeing that the more mastery approach of Singapore might be hard for him in that he is forgetting the concepts and then when we get to a Review he is SURE we didn't go over it. His mental math and conceptual understanding of the basics is good, but he seems a bit mentally overloaded. I've added in Daily Math Practice by Evan Moore which helps some, but am wondering if there is a math that would be some of the same strengths as Singapore Primary math but with more continual review built in. He is in tutoring for reading for the summer. I"m hoping that will allow more independence in understanding problems without my reading them, but do think the review issue will still be there. I am also running into issues with my 3rd grader as well, but feel like for her it is more of math anxiety rather than inability. Though she is STUCK on long division. She is young for her grade and advanced in LA areas but has weakness in social/emotional areas. My rising 7th grader finished Singapore 6 and did well with it, even in some years using IP and CWP so this is new for me. I know part of it is that I am less hands on with the younger ones than I was with the oldest. I'd love thoughts
  3. We have been a no screens family but are seeing there may be a place for some educational apps especially as I have 5 kids under 10 and there is only one of me. Are there any apps you have found that are productive, not too f lashy and enjoyable for early elementary aged kids (through 4th grade). Free is great. I know about Khan Academy and Prodigy. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, I'm sort of homeschooling my 5.5 aged daughter and almost 4 year old son (and have an 18 mo girl along for the ride). With my DD we are about halfway through 100 EZ Lessons and we have done a lot of hands on math-y type play with both. I just did lesson 1 in 100 EZ with my son yesterday. We read lots of books. I have recently started speaking Spanish to them some every day (my son HATES it though) and we do lots of nature walks. We plan to start more in-depth school moving forward and I"m looking at curriculum for K/1. I just found Tapestry of Grace primer and am wondering if anyone else has used it and likes it? Here's what I like just from reading about it: It is classical Foundational for both student and teacher (I'm new to teaching and they're new to being schooled) Uses living books Allows me to choose my own phonics and math programs Can be used for both K and 1st grade if you choose I am thinking of using RightStart Math A or B with it and either staying with 100 EZ and just trying to supplement more games and phonogram work OR of moving to something like the Logic of English. Any thoughts about Tapestry of Grace Primer, or RightStart math or LOE? For TOG Primer have you done in one or two years?
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